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1987年,我在《党史研究》第6期上发表《党史学科建设断想》,曾经说到党史的研究对象问题。文中,我引用了毛泽东《如何研究中共党史》中的一段话,然后对党史的研究对象做了如下的表述:“党史学的对象是中国共产党历史发展的全过程。”至今,我以为这样的表述是对的。但我又一直在想,这样的表述是否过于笼统,能不能表述得更具体一点,或者说能不能把中国共产党历史发展全过程中最核心的内容表述出来。那样,也许会更易于把握,会更有助于党史研究的深入。经过仔细考虑,我想做如下的调整:“党史研究的对象是中国共 In 1987, I published ”Expectations on the Construction of the Subject of History of the Party“ in the sixth issue of the ”History of the Party History“ and once talked about the research object of the history of the party. In the article, I quoted a passage from Mao Zedong's ”How to Study the History of the Chinese Communist Party,“ and then made the following statement about the subjects of the study: ”The object of Party History is the entire process of the historical development of the Chinese Communist Party.“ I think this statement is correct. However, I have always wondered whether such expressions are too general and can be formulated in a more specific way, or whether the core contents of the entire process of the historical development of the Chinese Communist Party can be expressed. That way, it may be easier to grasp and it will be more conducive to the study of the history of the party. After careful consideration, I would like to make the following adjustments: ”The object of the study of the history of the party is China
This work mainly involved the preparation of a nano-scale form-stable phase change material(PCM) consisting of capric and myristic acid(CA-MA) binary eutectic a
2000年9月 13日,随着推土机的轰鸣声,一栋位于湖南省永州市冷水滩区国道322线137公里+850米处的违法建筑被永州市冷水滩区人民法院依法强制拆除。 1999年11月,永州市冷水滩区孟公山村的管海波未经任何部