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2003年冬,巴黎峭岩出版社 (Editions du Rocher)推出贝尔 纳-布里泽(Bernard Bryzay)详述 1860年第二次鸦片战争期间,英 法联军洗劫圆明园的历史专著《第二次鸦片战争:洗劫圆明园》 (Le sac du Palais d'ete, seconde guerre de l'opium)。作者在40多 种当年记述和个人回忆录基础上, 勾勒出中西交往史上一段火与冰 的冲撞。他以严谨的治学态度,列 举事实,不回避亦不歪曲,展现东 西方文明接触之初的坎坷,让读 者了解19世纪后半叶,英法殖民 者如何用枪炮、毒品敲开闭关自 守的中国大门,竟至使用强盗手 段掠夺中国国宝,烧毁世界奇迹 园林。布里泽,这位西方知识分 子,以感人的正义精神,揭开了西 方政界乃至文化界人士始终未予 正视的这段往事。他毫不犹豫地 宣称:“英国是第一个麻醉毒品贩卖国”,“圆明园被洗劫,给中国人 民造成的心灵创伤,就同1871年 普鲁士军队入侵法国,将卢浮宫 和凡尔赛宫一并摧毁那般无法愈 合。”希拉克总统读完其著作后表 示:“我欣慰地看到,一位法国作 家为澄清我们共同历史上的篇章, 做出了贡献。”布里泽先生的专著 出版后,引起社会各界强? In the winter of 2003, the Editions du Rocher in Paris introduced Bernard Bryzay to elaborate the historical monograph “The Second Opium War” that the British and French troops had looted the Yuanmingyuan Garden during the Second Opium War in 1860: Loot the Summer Palace “(Le sac du Palais d’ete, seconde guerre de l’opium). On the basis of more than 40 current accounts and personal memoirs, the author sketches a collision between fire and ice in the history of Sino-Western exchanges. With rigorous scholarship, he cited the facts, did not hesitate or distort, and demonstrated the ups and downs of the beginning of East-West civilizations. He told readers how the British and French colonists were using guns and drugs to knock on China’s doorstep in the second half of the 19th century , Actually use robbery means to plunder China’s national treasures, burning world miracle garden. Brizzer, the western intellectual, unveiled the past history of Western politicians and even of cultural circles with his touching and just spirit. He did not hesitate to proclaim: ”Britain is the first narcotics trafficking country.“ ”The looting of the Summer Palace and the trauma caused to the Chinese people came as the 1871 invasion of France by the Prussian army and the combination of the Louvre and Versailles Destroyed so unfeasible. “After reading his book, President Chirac said:” I am relieved to see that a French writer has contributed to clarifying our common historical chapter. "Mr. Brzez’s monograph was published After causing all walks of life strong?
临床资料1 一般资料 :男 8例 ,女 2例。年龄 2 3岁~64岁 ,平均 4 9 1岁。病程 15天~ 2年。单纯第四脑室内囊虫 4例 ,混合型 6例。食痘猪肉史 3例 ,发现皮下结节 3例 ,便绦虫史
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