Disability and post-trauma stress in the population over 15 years old in Kashan, Iran: A population-

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Purpose::One of the consequences of trauma-related injuries is disability. There are more than one billion people with disabilities worldwide. Disability in people reduces their quality of life. The goal of this study was to determine the rate of post-trauma stress and disability related to trauma in the population over 15 years old in Kashan during a solar year of 2018-2019.Methods::This is a cross-sectional population-based study. A cluster sampling method was used in the city of Kashan, and 3880 persons were interviewed with individuals randomly selected in each household. If a person had trauma during one year ago, the World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 and Post Trauma Stress Disorder (PTSD) Checklist were applied for further interview. Data were analyzed using Chi-square test or n t-test.n Results::Among the 3880 participants residing in Kashan, 274 (7.1%) reported a history of traumatic injury during one year ago in 2018-2019. Incidence of all injuries was estimated to be 70.61 (62.60-78.70) per 1000 people. For the trauma population, 213 (77.7%) were male and 75.1% were married. About half of them (50.3%, 138/274) aged 21-39 years. The most common cause of injuries was related to traffic accidents: 140 (51.1%). Of the 274 trauma participants, 47 (17.2%) reported PTSD; 244 (89.1%) had a mild disability, and 30 (10.9%) reported moderate disability.Conclusion::One of the main causes of disability in the human community is the traumatic injuries. According to the results of this study, 89.1% of trauma participants have sustained at last mild disability following trauma. These people require follow-up and post-treatment support. It should be noted that psychological complications such as PTSD are as significant as physical symptoms.“,”Purpose::One of the consequences of trauma-related injuries is disability. There are more than one billion people with disabilities worldwide. Disability in people reduces their quality of life. The goal of this study was to determine the rate of post-trauma stress and disability related to trauma in the population over 15 years old in Kashan during a solar year of 2018-2019.Methods::This is a cross-sectional population-based study. A cluster sampling method was used in the city of Kashan, and 3880 persons were interviewed with individuals randomly selected in each household. If a person had trauma during one year ago, the World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 and Post Trauma Stress Disorder (PTSD) Checklist were applied for further interview. Data were analyzed using Chi-square test or n t-test.n Results::Among the 3880 participants residing in Kashan, 274 (7.1%) reported a history of traumatic injury during one year ago in 2018-2019. Incidence of all injuries was estimated to be 70.61 (62.60-78.70) per 1000 people. For the trauma population, 213 (77.7%) were male and 75.1% were married. About half of them (50.3%, 138/274) aged 21-39 years. The most common cause of injuries was related to traffic accidents: 140 (51.1%). Of the 274 trauma participants, 47 (17.2%) reported PTSD; 244 (89.1%) had a mild disability, and 30 (10.9%) reported moderate disability.Conclusion::One of the main causes of disability in the human community is the traumatic injuries. According to the results of this study, 89.1% of trauma participants have sustained at last mild disability following trauma. These people require follow-up and post-treatment support. It should be noted that psychological complications such as PTSD are as significant as physical symptoms.
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