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2004年7月22日,WIND飞船探测到一个典型的行星际激波,激波前为持续较长时间的微弱南向磁场,越过激波面,磁场发生南向偏转并被压缩.当激波作用于磁层时位于磁尾等离子体片不同位置的TC-1卫星和Cluster卫星都观测到等离子体对流迅速增强.Cluster上搭载的电场探测仪器可以直接观测到晨昏电场的增加.位于磁尾等离子体片以及地球同步轨道不同位置的卫星观测到的磁场变化则不同:TC-1观测到磁场大小几乎不变但磁场仰角变小,而离赤道较远的Cluster卫星则观测到磁场显著增强;位于午夜侧附近的GOES-10卫星观测到磁场强度突然增加,磁场仰角变小;位于晨侧的GOES-12卫星的观测则表现出简单的磁场压缩,即磁场强度及各分量都显著增加.另外,分布在各个磁地方时的LANL卫星观测的高能质子和高能电子通量都脉冲增强,在向阳面粒子通量的变化比夜侧明显,位于午夜侧的粒子通量响应则最弱.文中还讨论了这些观测现象的可能的物理解释.以上磁层响应是由动压脉冲结构以及磁场南向偏转共同作用的结果. On July 22, 2004, a typical interplanetary shock was detected by the WIND spacecraft, with a weak southward magnetic field in front of the shock wave for a long time and the magnetic field was deflected south-south and was compressed when it crossed the shock wave surface. In the magnetosphere, both the TC-1 satellite and the Cluster satellite, which are located at different positions of the magnetic tail plasma sheet, have rapidly observed the convection of the plasma. The electric field detector mounted on the Cluster can directly observe the increase of the electric field at the dusk. Satellites observed at different locations on the geosynchronous orbit: TC-1 observes that the magnitude of the magnetic field is almost constant but the elevation of the magnetic field becomes smaller, while that of the Cluster satellites further away from the equator increases the magnetic field significantly; at midnight A sudden increase of the magnetic field and a decrease of the magnetic field angle were observed by the GOES-10 satellites in the vicinity of the side, while observation of the GOES-12 satellite in the early morning showed a simple magnetic field compression with a significant increase of the magnetic field intensity and the components. In addition, The high-energy protons and high-energy electron fluxes of LANL satellite observations at each magnetosphere all impulse enhanced, the change in particle flux on the sunny side is more pronounced than on the night side, and the particle at midnight Flux response to the weakest. These also discussed possible physical interpretation of the observed phenomena. Above magnetic layer is the result of the dynamic pressure response pulse to the south magnetic field of the deflection structure and the role.
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