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朱维铮先生走了。我又拿出他长达两小时的演讲录音,静静地在电脑上听着。我觉得,最好的纪念,还是读朱先生的一本本著作,对他之史学思想深入了解,或写一纸悲情悼文,寄托哀思。朱维铮的作品,我读过一些。如1995年的《音调未定的传统》,给我留下了深刻印象。朱先生治学严谨、功力深湛,常年坚持在教书育人的第一线,虽带博士生,仍一直为本科生开课,被评为“学生最喜爱的导师”。在市场经济大潮中,单就这一条,便令人敬佩。重读他为纪念戊戌维新百周年与龙应台合编的《维新旧梦录》,令我爱不释手。 Mr.Zhu Weizheng left. I took out his two-hour speeches and listened quietly on my computer. In my opinion, the best commemoration is to read a book written by Mr. Zhu, gain an in-depth understanding of his historical thoughts, or write a memento of grief to send his grief. Zhu Wei Zheng’s works, I have read some. I was impressed with 1995’s “Tradition of Tone”. Mr. Zhu rigorous scholarship, profound skills, perennial adhere to the first line of teaching and educating people, although with doctoral students, has been started for undergraduate students, was named “student’s favorite mentor ”. In the tide of the market economy, it is admirable for this article alone. Rereading him to commemorate the centenary of the Hundred Days Reform and Lung Ying-ting co-editor of the “old dream”, so I put it down.
We reported a case of diaphragmatic hernia complicated with intestinal obstruction with colon perforation after surgery for esophageal cancer. In this case, the
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  目的 观察颈内动脉严重狭窄或闭塞患者眼动脉的血流频谱改变,探讨TCD在眼科方面的应用价值.方法 对66例明确诊断颈内动脉起始部严重狭窄(35例)或闭塞(31例)患者,采用经颅