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南方甜菜收获季节,气温高、湿度大,很容易引起块根萎蔫失水,呼吸强度增高,化学成分改变,微生物活动加强,结果造成块根腐烂变质,甚至失去加工价值.为了解决这个问题,我们分别在广东丰顺县糖厂、广西蒙山县农科所、福建长汀县糖厂和连江县熬江公社江南大队等单位,于甜菜收获后开展了自然通风、杀菌防腐、化学抑制等甜菜保藏试验,取得了较好的效果. 供试甜菜品种为甜研三号.于4月中旬收获后、采取多刀切削方法、切除茎叶和根头上的顶芽、腋芽.各试验点都采取自然通风,地上式 Southern beet harvest season, high temperature and humidity, it is likely to cause wilting wilting dehydration, increased respiratory intensity, chemical composition changes, microbial activity increased, resulting in rotting deterioration of roots, or even lose the value of processing.In order to solve this problem, we were in the Guangdong Fengshun County Sugar Factory, Guangxi Mengshan County Agricultural Science Institute, Fujian Changting County Sugar Mill and Lianjiang County boil Jiang commune Jiangnan Brigade and other units, after the beet harvest carried out natural beetles, sterilization, chemical suppression and other beet preservation Test, and achieved good results for the test beet variety Sweet Research 3. After harvesting in mid-April, to take multi-knife cutting method, cut stems and leaves and root tips of the top buds, axillary buds were taken at all test points Natural ventilation, above ground
音乐中所用各音有其固定音高名称。这些名称就叫音名。音名用来表示各音的绝对高度。各国的音名各不相同。常见的如:英国的音名:cdefgab;德国的音名:cdefgah。 Each tone us
[摘 要]高校政府采购已经成为支撑学校发展的重要部分。随着高校的发展速度的加快,高校政府采购制度日趋成熟,但另一方面,制度难以与当前的实际相结合,存在不健全、不完善的问题,导致高校政府采购的各种问题层出不穷,造成资金的浪费,影响学校的发展。针对这样的问题,从源头上解决,有必要从管理制度着手,通过制度设计和安排,约束采购行为,保证所有的工作都按照程序进行,降低采购管理工作的风险。  [关键词]政府采
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