~(13)C-methacetin breath test reproducibility study reveals persistent CYP1A2 stimulation on repeat

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tigermin
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AIM: To find the most reproducible quantitative parameter of a standard 13C-methacetin breath test (13C-MBT). METHODS: Twenty healthy volunteers (10 female, 10 male) underwent the 13C-MBT after intake of 75 mg 13C-methacetin p.o. on three occasions. Short-and medium-term reproducibility was assessed with paired examinations taken at an interval of 2 and 18 d (medians), respectively. RESULTS: The reproducibility of the 1-h cumulative 13C recovery (AUC0-60), characterized by a coefficient of variation of 10%, appeared to be considerably better than the reproducibility of the maximum momentary 13C recovery or the time of reaching it. Remarkably, as opposed to the short gap between consecutive examinations, the capacity of the liver to handle 13C-methacetin increased slightly but statistically significantly when a repeat dose was administered after two to three weeks.Regarding the AUC0-60, the magnitude of this fixed bias amounted to 7.5%. Neither the time gap between the repeat examinations nor the gender of the subjects affected the 13C-MBT reproducibility. CONCLUSION: 13C-MBT is most reproducibly quantified by the cumulative 13C recovery, but the exactitude thereof may be modestly affected by persistent stimulation of CYP1A2 on repeat examinations. METHODS: Twenty healthy volunteers (10 female, 10 male) underwent the 13C-MBT after intake of 75 mg of 13C-methacetin breath on (13C-MBT) RESULTS: Short-and medium-term reproducibility was assessed with paired examinations taken at an interval of 2 and 18 d (medians), respectively. RESULTS: The reproducibility of the 1-h cumulative 13C recovery (AUC0-60) a coefficient of variation of 10%, started to be better than than the reproducibility of the maximum momentary 13C recovery or the time of reaching it. Remarkably, as opposed to the short gap between consecutive examinations, the capacity of the liver to handle 13C- methacetin increased slightly but but significantly when a repeat dose was administered after two to three weeks. Regarding the AUC0-60, the magnitude of this fixed bias amounted to 7.5%. Neither the time gap between the repeat examinatio ns nor the gender of the subjects affected the 13C-MBT reproducibility. CONCLUSION: 13C-MBT is most reproducible quantified by the cumulative 13C recovery, but the exactitude thereof may be modestly affected by persistent stimulation of CYP1A2 on repeat examinations.
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【关键词】 生物教学;快乐课堂;构建;教  学氛围;导入;多媒体;生活;  提问  【中图分类号】 G633.9  【文献标识码】 A  【文章编号】 1004—0463(2015)  17—0113—01  快乐课堂就是教师在教学中,有意识地营造快乐的教学氛围,让学生轻松快乐地学习知识,提升相应的能力。生物学是研究生命现象和生命活动规律的一门科学,然而,很多学生觉得它枯燥乏味,把生物学习当成了一