
来源 :思想政治工作研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:WANGBING0425
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贵刊1998年第7期刊用了我的一篇文章,题目叫《唱好“教育”重头戏》。我这篇文章是为参加1998年合肥市化工局春季论文发布而写,原标题比较长,叫“试论在国企思想解放、深化改革条件下企业思想政治工作所承担的三大工作任务”,共34个字,篇幅3000字,试着寄给杂志社,也没抱 Your issue No. 7 of 1998 published a piece of my article entitled “sing good” education “highlight.” My article was written for joining the 1998 spring Hefei Municipal Bureau of Chemical Industry publication of the spring papers, the original title is relatively long, called "on the ideological and political work under the conditions of the state-owned enterprises emancipation, deepen the reform of the three major tasks, A total of 34 words, length 3000 words, try to send to the magazine, did not hold
<正> 包装领域对锡的多用途性比其它领域更为突出。金属、塑料、纸与纸板、玻璃制品等材料正在争夺市场的占有份额。作为一种主要的组成材料,锡被三种竞争材料所包围:马口铁
Ninety percent of problems when set- ring up business in China can be avoided by the deployment of due diligence at the front end of the investment planning.Her
二十个春秋,年年岁岁,耕耘农电科技园地;百余期月刊,期期篇篇,堪称读者良师益友。寄语《农村电气化》@丁海松$湖北省电力公司 Twenty spring and autumn, the age of years, work
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AIM: To examine the underlying mechanisms of erlotinib-induced growth inhibition in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). METHODS: Erlotinib-induced alterations in ge