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为加强电影制片厂制片生产管理工作,修订和建立统一的有关规章制度,以适应电影事业发展的需要。最近,我们到几个制片厂和部分摄制组作了初步调查。目前各厂在抓艺术创作工作的同时,都普遍地重视和加强制片生产管理工作,积累了不少的经验,其中上影厂比较突出。几年来,上影厂摄制的影片,不仅数量逐年增加,质量也有明显的提高,在均衡生产、缩短生产周期和降低摄制成本等方面也取得了可喜的成绩,得到了同行和社会上的好评。其中均衡生产的成绩更为突出,连续两年来,每到六月底均能达到时间过半、任务过半的大好局面。一九八一年除完成十七部故事片(计划十四部,超额三部)外,正在拍摄将于一九八二年第一季度内完成的影片已达五部,从而首先改变了电影制片 In order to strengthen the production management of film studio production, revision and establishment of a unified relevant rules and regulations to meet the needs of the development of film industry. Recently, we made a preliminary investigation into several studios and some of the crew. At present, while grasping the work of art creation, all the factories generally attach importance to and strengthen the production and management of film production and have accumulated a lot of experience, among which the film factory is more prominent. Over the past few years, films produced by the Shanghai Film Factory have not only increased in number and quality, but also achieved gratifying results in terms of balanced production, shortening the production cycle and lowering the cost of filmmaking, and have won praise from peers and the community. One of the more balanced production results even more outstanding, for two consecutive years, by the end of June each can reach more than half of the time, the task of more than half of the good situation. In 1981, in addition to the completion of 17 feature films (14 programs and 3 excess), there are now 5 films to be completed in the first quarter of 1982, and the film system sheet
笔者近日遇到故障现象完全一样、而故障原因却截然不同的两台微机,在维修过程中感受颇深,现将其过程介绍给同行,以供在维修工作中有所启发。 两例故障机型均为组装386DX/40,
据伦敦《金融时报》报道,美国半导体与电子产品制造商德州仪器公司(TI)已研发出一种新技术,可制造如拇指指甲般大小的电脑晶片,具备相当于20部个人电脑的处 According to a
广袤美丽的草原更饱含着牧民深厚浓郁的亲情与乡情    感念草原母亲的情怀    20世纪60年代初,国家遭受严重自然灾害。内蒙古自治区广大牧区人民怀着爹娘般的爱心将嗷嗷待哺的三千上海孤儿接到了草原,使他们有了一个新家。  布和、金花是两个幸运的孩子。一到草原,就被一对朴实善良的牧民夫妇达力玛和那顺所领养。“养一个活一个,活一个壮一个”,是自治区党委对养父母们提出的要求,因为这是“国家的孩子”。夫妇
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青年摄影家宋翔和妹妹晓佳到比利时小城海拉尔兹贝享市留学。中国姑娘金丽为开阔眼界也来到了这个举办世界赛鸽的比利时小城。 金丽是清朝皇族的后裔。祖上曾拥有朝廷赏赐的
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