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冯颖琪(文中简称:Vicky),在行内音乐战友眼中的全职唱作人,但实际上.却又不是全职音乐人的非典型职业女性。舍弃律师身份已好一段日子,但仍经常在理智与感性的两极中兜圈.全靠音乐维持心理和生理的平衡。沉迷胡思乱想.自言自语.也喜欢写作.画画,相信塔罗、星座.颜色和催眠的力量——Vicky 在自己博客中的自述。在香港.有这么一个女音乐人 Vicky.从小便在音乐的世界中寻找到自己的方向。不过,音乐以外,她却又是一位毕业于澳洲悉尼大学的法律与经济学士……她的双重身份就此而开始分化.一边是自己的爱好.另一边是家 Feng Yingqi (referred to as: Vicky), full-time singing in the eyes of music comrades in the industry, but in fact, but not a full-time musician atypical professional women. It has been a long time since we gave up our lawyer status, but we still often circumnavigate our intelligence and sensibility, and rely solely on music to maintain the psychological and physical balance. Indulge in cranky, talk to himself, like writing, draw, trust Tarot, Constellation, the power of color and hypnosis - Vicky’s self-report on her blog. In Hong Kong, there is such a woman musician Vicky, who finds her direction in the world of music from her urine. However, outside of music, she is a Bachelor of Law and Economics graduated from the University of Sydney, Australia ... her dual identity began to divide on the one hand is his hobby. The other is home
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