Implementing Bandwidth-Satisfied Multicast of Overlay Network with Transport Layer Multihoming

来源 :International Journal of Systems and Control | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:
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Using the emulated application of the bulk data transfer, we investigate existing overlay multicast schemes, we surprising find that all of them have a inherit performance limitation of overlay multicast caused by tansport layer singlehoming (e.g., TCP). The Layered Overlay Multicast Network based on Transport Layer Multihoming (LOMN-TLM) and the relevant scheme of Bandwidth-Satisfied Overlay Multicast (BSOM) we first present tries to reduce the limitation of existing scheme and to further improve the performance of overlay multicast. We also demonstrate that the scheme of Bandwidth-Satisfied Overlay Multicast with Transport Layer Multihoming outperforms others. Using the emulated application of the bulk data transfer, we surprising find that all of them have a inherit performance limitation of overlay multicast caused by tansport layer singlehoming (eg, TCP). The Layered Overlay Multicast Network based on Transport Layer Multihoming (LOMN-TLM) and the relevant scheme of Bandwidth-Satisfied Overlay Multicast (BSOM) we first present tries to reduce the limitation of existing scheme and to further improve the performance of overlay multicast. We also demonstrate that the scheme of Bandwidth -Satisfied Overlay Multicast with Transport Layer Multihoming outperforms others.
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