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目前养鱼场(户)大都沿用传统的沉水性饲料,投撒池塘后很快沉入水底,鱼类不易觅食,利用率甚低,严重制约了养鱼的经济效益。最近,新一代的浮水性膨化颗粒饲料,已由广西南宁市南威鱼饲料有限公司(咨询电话:0771-3848669)研制成功并批量生产。这项科研成果,将为广大养 At present, most fish farms (households) follow the traditional submersed feed, which is quickly submerged in ponds after being drenched in ponds. Fish are not easy to feed and their utilization rate is very low, which severely restricts the economic benefits of fish farming. Recently, a new generation of floating extruded pellets feed, Nanning City, Guangxi Nanwei Fish Feed Co., Ltd. (Tel: 0771-3848669) successfully developed and mass production. The research results, will be the majority of support
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<正>May 1 saw the opening of the eighth"Tropic of Cancer International Twins’Day of Mojiang,China and Hani Solar Festival"in Hani Autonomous County,Mojiang,Yun