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文秘工作者的一个重要职责是撰拟文稿。此项工作不仅仅是字斟句酌地爬格子,而且具有参谋功能。 秘书的参谋职责,古已有之。在服务于领导实现决策科学化的今天,更应呼唤文秘工作者增强参谋意识和发挥参谋作用。文秘工作者如何参与谋,从文字工作性质上看,要筹谋划策和进言献计,无非表现为口头表达和书面表达两种方式,书面表 An important duty of a clerical worker is to draft a document. This work is not just word-by-word climbing grid, but also has the staff function. Secretary of the staff duties, the ancient has been. In serving the leadership to achieve scientific decision-making today, even more should call for clerical workers to enhance staff awareness and play a role of staff. How secretarial workers to participate in the work, from the nature of the text work, to plan planning and make an offer, is nothing more than verbal and written expression in two ways, written form
目前烤烟区推广了一种木制营养器,育苗效果很好,这种制钵方法也同样适用于蔬菜等作物的育苗。 1.制作营养器 用厚1.2厘米、宽6厘米的木条,嵌合成横8、竖16、内径7厘米的方格
岳阳县杨林乡在双季稻田大面积种植马铃薯,成为淡季蔬菜基地。该乡近几年稻田春马铃薯面积稳定在600公顷~700公顷,占全乡稻田面积的40%左 Yangling Township, Yueyang County