今年38岁的蒋文珍,出生于重庆开县的一个贫困山区,初中毕业后她经营过一些小本生意。由于 1999年在家乡开的饭店亏损倒闭,不久,她随着打工队伍来到北京。面对繁华的大城市,兴奋的蒋文珍,到处找工作,后来在老乡的帮助下,给一家开在学校旁边卖学生用品的文具店做杂工, 文具店的生意特别红火,有时忙得连吃饭的时间都没有,而老板只给她600元工资,老家孩子的学费,自己租房都靠她那微薄的工资来支付,生活压得她喘不过气来,2000年不满足于现状的蒋文珍炒掉老板鱿鱼,独自从批发商那里进来一些橡皮泥之类,在学校,公园附近摆地摊做小生意。
Jiang Wenzhen, 38, was born in a poor mountainous area in Kai County, Chongqing. After graduating from junior high school, she operated some small businesses. Since the loss of the hotel opened in his hometown in 1999, she soon came to Beijing with her work team. In the face of the bustling big cities, excited Jiang Wenzhen looked for work everywhere. Later, with the help of her fellow villagers, he worked as a handyman at a stationery store selling student supplies next to the school. The stationery business was particularly prosperous and was sometimes too busy to eat. No time, and the boss only gave her 600 yuan salary, the tuition of her hometown children, and her own rent was paid by her meager wages. Her life was overwhelmed and Jiang Wenzhen was not satisfied with the status quo in 2000. Get out of the boss’s squid and come in with some plasticine from the wholesaler alone. In the school, place a stall near the park for a small business.