Longsheng: A Land With Natural Beauty and Ethnic Culture

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  Longsheng Various Nationalities Autonomous County is located in the northeast of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, about 80 kilometers from the well-known tourist city Guilin. The county is famous for its breathtaking vistas of terraced paddy fields cascading in swirls. For centuries, the terraces has brought up generations of people, also their distinctive culture. Looming in the clouds, layers of terraces and scattered bamboo huts of the minority vividly shows the harmony between nature and human, forming a picturesque village in south China.
  Ladders leading to the heaven
  Other rice terraces may be lovely, but Longji Rice Terraces are indisputably the most spectacular of all. Longji Rice Terraces, literally Dragon’s Backbone Rice Terraces, gained its name because the rice terraces resemble the scales on the back of a dragon. The terraces cover an area of 66 square kilometers and span an altitude between 300 meters and 1,100 meters. The construction of the incredible Longji Rice Terraces started in the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368) and lasted till the early Qing Dynasty (1636-1912). Longji Rice Terraces are the culmination of the profound wisdom and strenuous labor of Zhuang people. The scenery of Longji Rice Terraces is a beautifully natural picture, demonstrating distinctive beauties in four seasons. In spring, the water is irrigated into the field and terraces look like great chains or ribbons hung on the hillside. When it comes to summer, green waves rush continuously down the mountainside from heaven. The theme of autumn is harvest, with the mountainside decorated with the golden ripened millet. Coming into winter, the whole mountain will be covered with white snow, just like a dragon playing in the cloud.
  Longji Rice Terraces enjoy a long history. During the Yuan Dynasty, many minority groups were forced to flee to mountains. Being primarily an agricultural society, they needed to find a way to continue agriculture on steep sides of the mountains. They ingeniously turned the mountains into fields by creating terraced fields. The entire mountains are covered with rice terraces, from far below to the peak. That’s the reason that Longji Rice Terraces come into being. Since ancient times, Longji Rice Terraces have been crucial to the survival of local people. The ancestors may never imagine that the rice terrace they did with blood and sweat would one day become such a charming land. The iconic Longji Rice Terraces not only provides us with picturesque scenery to enjoy, but also act as a reminder of history.   Paradise to rest body and soul
  Longsheng Hot Spring Resort is established with the approval of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and becomes a provincial tourism resort. It is forming due to the absorption of heat energy from the earth’s crust during the long-term movement of groundwater, generally relating to volcanic and magmatic activities on the earth. Therefore, it is said that the hot spring is a gift given to human beings by volcanoes and magma. Longsheng hot springs have the reputation of “heaven of peace and happiness” and “paradise on earth”. Welling out from rock cracks halfway up the mountain, the hot spring water is pure and clear, with temperature ranging from 54 to 58 degrees centigrade. Containing many trace elements, such as lithium, strontium, iron, manganese, zinc and copper, the spring is good for both drinking and bathing. Bathing in the hot spring has curative effects on nerves, skin diseases, rheumatism and arthritis. Since Longsheng hot springs are situated in a deep and tranquil valley and surrounded by mountains of dense vegetation, the water is warm in winter and cool in summer. The spring has now become the most famous hot spring area in south China and an ideal place for vacation.Since Longsheng hot springs are situated in a deep and tranquil valley and surrounded by mountains of dense vegetation, the water is warm in winter and cool in summer.
  Kaleidoscope of ethnic culture
  Besides the wondrous natural scenery, Longsheng is also famous for its splendid ethnic customs and cultures. The Yao with mountain, Miao with forest, Dong with field and Zhuang with water vividly show not only the distribution, but also the variety of ethnic minorities in Longsheng. There are many ethnic groups in Longsheng, all of whom are adept in folk singing and dancing. Each group possesses its own charm and differs from others in architecture, clothing styles, food habits, festivals and customs. Visiting Longsheng is like visiting a living museum of China’s ethnic minority groups.
  Among these features, what is worth mentioning is the distinctive ethnic costumes. The colorful costumes of minority groups add a bright splash of color to the rice terraces as they go about their work of growing rice. Yao women wear bright pink embroidered clothing with heavy silver earrings. They are famous for their extremely long hair and are listed in the Guinness Book of World’s Records. Zhuang women wear white shirts, black pants, and brightly colored cloth on their heads. Miao women wear colorful short jackets with short pleated skirts, and on special occasions wear large amounts of silver jewelry and adornments. The clothing is worn on a daily basis. It is an unforgettable scene to see the minority women working in fields in all of their finery.   Festival is another highlight. Longsheng boasts many festivals: Hongyi (wearing red clothes) Festival, Niuhun (the soul of the cattle) Festival, Longji Rice Terraces Culture Tourism Festival and so on. Hongyi Festival is a traditional festival of the Red Yao ethnic group, a branch of local Yao ethnic group. Women like wearing red clothes that they have woven themselves. Every March 15th or April 8th of the lunar calendar, it is held either in Sishui Township or at the foot of the mountains where Longji Rice Terraces are located. People sing, dance and perform some interesting physical feats like balancing bamboo poles and having a tug-of-war. On those days, the women like to coil their hair into a special style. All these activities make Hongyi Festival flourish. Niuhun Festival is on April 8th of the lunar calendar as the Zhuang people think it’s the birthday of the Bull King. The Zhuang ethnic group in Longsheng has the tradition of respecting the cattle. On that day, people will set free the cattle and offer sacrifices like the glutinous rice meal to them. Finally, they will touch the back of the cattle for a blessing.
  Life is not just about living, but also about poetry and beauty. Escape from the bustling city and find a peaceful land to relax yourself here in Longsheng.
酒鬼醉心于玉液琼浆,烟民惦记着一支好烟,这种“馋”,与广东人馋一餐饭里精心熬制的汤水那般,使人心痒难抑。  从早餐的一碗汤粉,到晚餐的一锅骨头汤,再到夜茶的一小炖盅,汤水几乎贯穿了广东人的一天;从少不更事时被催促着喝汤,学生年代里各种神汤补身,到离家、成家后心心念念的老火靓汤,汤水几乎链接了广东人的一生。  在“宁可食无菜,不可食无汤”的“家规铁律”里,那一碗又一碗的靓汤中倒映出来的,依旧是平凡又
刚进入一月,和南方绵延的阴雨一起到来的,还有渐渐变浓的年味。在广西宾阳县宾州镇,人们已经开始翘首以盼一年一度的炮龙节。扎龙作坊里,已经做好龙架的炮龙,只待披上年味十足的大红、闪金外衣了。  炮龙节和扎龙人  宾阳炮龙节历史渊源说法不一,其中一个颇具传奇而喜庆色彩的说法是,宋朝名将狄青与壮族首领侬智高大战昆仑关。宋皇佑五年,狄青为了麻痹“据关造反”的侬智高,时值元宵前夕,狄青下令大办酒席宴客三天,并
在越南湄公河三角洲,有一座富有东方魅力和西方色彩的城市,“胡志明市”是这座城市现在的行政名称,但对于大多数的游客,尤其是欧美游客来说,“西贡”这个名字或许更有记忆感和温度,也更有吸引力。  属于“西贡”殖民时期的迷幻色彩和魅力,遗落在这个城市的老街区里。胡志明市许多街区都独具特色,最有名的是范五老街。范五老街得名于越南民族英雄范五老,平民出身的范五老,在陈朝时期的多次战争中作出了巨大贡献,官至上将
一人一针一线,桂绣里的繁华世界  说起壮乡服饰,总会让人想起壮族的阿妹头戴彩色提花头巾,身着蓝黑色百褶裙,灵动活泼地唱着山歌的样子。壮族的阿妹呀,不仅人美歌甜,一双小手也是巧得很。在广西南宁市百益·上河城的非遗生活馆中,有一位叫黄月茂的绣娘,她静静地端坐在绣架前,来往的游客络绎不绝,人头攒动的嘈杂声回荡在场馆中,但她却丝毫不受影响,依旧一针一线地绣制自己的作品。针线在她手中跳动,来回中一条神龙的轮
如果你对马来西亚的印象还只停留在吉隆坡的双子塔,或者沙巴州的海景,這是远远不够的,马来西亚的吸引力还在于那座超人气的乐高主题公园。乐高是童年回忆的载体,承载着无数人儿时的喜怒哀乐。畅游在这个亚洲大陆最南端的乐高主题乐园,仿若坐上了穿越到儿时的时光机。家庭游去马来西亚乐高主题乐园吧,一起搭乘时光机,与儿时的“老朋友”叙叙旧。  乐高积木是一款儿童喜爱的玩具,这种塑胶积木一头有凸粒,另一头有可嵌入凸粒
圣淘沙意为“平静而安详”,新加坡南端有一个小岛,便是以此为名。圣淘沙岛被世人誉为最迷人的度假小岛,在新加坡境内宛如一个巨大的乐园。岛上的娱乐设施各式各样,置身其中,仿佛走进了一个缤纷多彩的世界,那里无关烦恼,只与快乐有关,于是新加坡圣淘沙也被称为“欢乐宝石”。  在390公顷的土地上孕育出的巨大乐园,谁都未曾想到,旧时这里只是一个小渔村。传闻,圣淘沙原来的名字叫做死亡岛,因为那里发生过一场瘟疫,只
Seal Carving refers to the inscription and carving of design on the bottom face of the seal, which has played a crucial, even decisive role in China's long history, and has been developed into a fine
静立于这座精致的小城街头,你会发现槟城的每日三餐里拥有丰富的食材和多元口味,它们印证了东西方的饮食文化是如何打破食材和产地的必然联系,使两者完美地交融在一起。  美味的食物在深夜等你  晚上10点多,不少街头的小店仍在营业。木板凳发出“吱吱哑哑”的声音,另一边的露天厨房在不断地发出油烟与水汽混合的白色烟雾,即使在深夜的时间里,这些街头小店的客人依然络绎不绝。  不用打电话也不用预约,每天准时开店,
缅甸是个宗教气息浓厚的国家,大多数民众信奉佛教,因而缅甸的戏剧也源自古代拜神敬佛的活动。缅甸戏剧的雏形形成于15世纪阿瓦王朝年间,分为缅甸传统戏剧、木偶戏、阿迎三种。  一曲戏曲悠扬而起,戏剧演员大步迈上舞台,此时,这方舞台便是他们的全世界,在这方舞台上,演绎着千百年的历史,演绎着他们的喜怒哀乐。这样一场戏剧道尽了缅甸历史长河里的美丽与哀愁。  戏剧悠扬,唱活了沉淀千百年的历史  缅甸传统戏剧源于
曼谷,多元的民族文化与时尚潮流在这里汇聚,市井的烟火气以及摩登的都市气息巧妙地融合在一起,揉捻成一座魔力之城,而美食作为一座城市的魅力缩影,是帮助我们与这片土地沟通的桥梁。  这次,我们不走街串巷,不去偶遇華灯初上时的地道小摊,而是走进摩登城区,寻访比邓丽君钟爱的清迈更“甜蜜蜜”的曼谷!并挑选十分有特色的4家甜品店列入本期的曼谷甜蜜手册。  After You Dessert Café  地