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加强党内法规制度建设,形成完善的党内法规体系,是新形势下全面从严治党的内在要求。近期,中央办公厅法规局组织召开了党内法规制度建设研讨培训会,总结2015年党内法规制度建设的做法和经验,分析党内法规制度建设面临的形势和任务,谋划下一步的工作思路和重点。 Strengthening the building of a system of laws and regulations within the party and forming a sound system of laws and regulations within the party are the inherent requirements for a comprehensive and solemn ruling party under the new situation. Recently, the General Office of the General Office of the General Office organized and held seminars and training sessions on the construction of the rules and regulations of the party, summarized the practices and experiences in the construction of the rules and regulations of the party in 2015, analyzed the situations and tasks facing the establishment of the rules and regulations of the party, and planned the next work train of thought And focus.
目的:研究胃复恩对胃溃疡和慢性萎缩性胃炎等胃黏膜损伤性疾病的药效学作用及其抗胃黏膜损伤机制。 方法:用水浸束缚法复制小鼠水浸束缚应激溃疡模型,消炎痛皮下注射复制小鼠
周期表中第ⅦA族包括氟、氯、溴、碘和砹5种元素,统称为卤素,由于它们的最外层电子结构类似,所以元素的化学性质十分相似,但随着原子序数的递 Group VIIA of the periodic t
二氧化氯是氯的氧化物中与我们实际生活关系较为密切的物质,由于其具有强的氧化性,所以在杀菌消毒方面用途广泛,在各类试题中经常出现.现总 Chlorine dioxide is a substanc
本文研究目的:观察活血解郁冲剂对中风后抑郁患者单胺类神经递质去甲肾腺素和5-羟色胺的影响,进一步探讨其作用机理。 研究方法:将66例中风后抑郁症患者随机分为两组,治疗组给
对 6个花生品种进行了引种试验 ,通过生育特性、植株性状、经济性状及产量比较 ,初步确定新品种湘花B、880 7- 6 18适宜安徽省江淮丘陵地区种植。 Six peanut varieties wer
目的:探讨微小病变肾病(minima change disease,MCD)患者在激素治疗阶段的中医证候分布特点及其激素敏感性差异与中医证型的相关性。  方法:根据MCD患者对激素治疗疗效反应将