Journey of A Theoretical Man

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  Introduction: The theoretical man is the one who uses theoretical thinking to “destroy” the pleasure in daily life. Their lives are not only boring but no desire of seeking, as Kant who walks everyday, never traveling. Then what will they record when starting a long traveling?
  Book reviewer: Tang Yonghua
  The soul of writing is travel —to confront with regrets of fooling alone by the brilliant expression of emotions; to challenge the sighing of time flying by experience of dimension; to feel the excitement of returning after a short leaving; to enjoy the loneliness and search the own similar. Just because of it, traveling will arouse the passion of writing. The essay My Days in America from Professor Zhu Guohua, East China Normal University obviously is a secondary product produced from traveling.
  The back cover is printed some comments like a routine: “with culture blending and friction of eastern and western cultures, presenting particulars in America” however, the real meaning is how to represent himself. How does a theoretic man like the writer travel around the world? The theoretical man is the one who uses theoretical thinking to “destroy” the pleasure in daily life, like Hegel said: “it is nothing special when he saw the Alpines. Their lives are not only boring but no desire of seeking, as Kant who walks everyday, never traveling. Then what will they record when starting a long traveling?
  Finishing the reading at one go, I smiled: yes. It should be like this for a theoretic man. The writher explained at first — or rather a declaration — he was color weakness and had illness on ear, showing a state without responding to the world. Then he explored treasures and scenery spots without a stop. He presented a Faustian contradiction structure during the traveling in America: for the one hand, the writer was interested in everything; for the other hand, he could not devote himself on one spot. His unique freaking talent with capable narrating way, his special words style with elegance and commonness made readers indulged and delighted when he himself got away from the key points. His attitude to the natural scenery (and cityscape) is like an idiom of fondness of dragon by Lord Ye. He was excited on the way with flagging interest. “Nothing special” is our most comments. He was quite ambitious to the political landscape where he joined the march excitedly but rested on a step and went home. He spared no pains to visit the humanity historical remains and laugh at them with words:“Too much symbolic capitals, a disenchanted mythology.” And so on.   If you wish he could say “It is my earnestly long for…, wonderful”, you found the wrong one. His comment on flying over a grand canyon is that “it was far from my imagination of excitement on a helicopter traveling. However I was flying with the helicopter, it was really cool.” This loquacious style is like irony. By irony, the author adjusts the pose between the writer and the objects so that when he entered an existing space he could make his writings clinging to his feelings. Waling on the foreign country, it is unavoidable to worry that all of scenery ended up with a pictures, including this book. However, it is the highlight that he presented freak state, unexpected melancholy, shattered touching, uncomfortableness and embarrassment, self-esteem and self-mockery, and criticism at wrong time. Like Roland Bathes saying, for self-deconstruction and witness of real existence. For me, it is the best capable parts in the writing.
  The book consists of three volumes: the first is travels in America; the second is back for the youth and the last part is random thoughts. The author was a typical literary and artistic youth, falling into theoretic habit. He always speak with assurance to his audience (most of them are female) when he found an arguable topic in the life. Thoughts in recent years were typical academic notes, emphasizing on the theory from the criticism. Sometimes he traveled to a watery place and blew to us “the lanes in the countryside became expendables of mass consumption.” However, for one side, “the reasonable logic of history demands us to save meaningless sadness.” On the other side, “literary people with old habit let us flowing away”. Therefore, the author suggested to me to relax. When the nostalgic mood is surging up, you try to escape into the lane of literature to feel the intact soul. The essay is the lane of literature where he set up overcaring character of theoretic man: he saw the world across the words and loved the world across the doubt. Only making clear of the aura, then could you pay respect for the past.
  Only when mentioning the relationship between people like brothers and sisters, meeting friends in distant land, the author could take off the guard, exposing his mind. Even there are some jokes, the tender feelings are pouring out. The time slipped away among the jokes and feelings. Theoretic men are not uninteresting or world–weary, but they are not easy to be touched at a normal point and eager to perform more intelligent. The inspiration of traveling in America is that: it is better to reach the touching point with intelligence rather than being smart at the point.
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