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为掌握薄壳山核桃生长习性及落果规律,以‘Mahan’品种为研究对象,系统观测其开花结实物候期及其落果规律。结果表明,薄壳山核桃短果枝的芽一般为混合芽,芽体饱满,鳞片紧包,近圆形,萌发后长出结果枝和复叶,基部侧芽形成雄花序,并在近顶端形成雌花序。‘Mahan’花芽于3月中下旬开始萌动,3月底顶芽和雄花芽开绽,顶芽抽生结果枝,雄花芽抽生雄花序。4月初开始展叶,20 d以后基本达到叶面积最大值。结果枝、复叶、叶长和叶宽生长过程呈“S”曲线生长,与Logistic生长模型高度拟合。通过相关性分析显示结果枝、复叶、叶长和叶宽生长与有效积温呈显著正相关。‘Mahan’第1次落果现象出现在6月中旬到6月底,落果数占总果数的16.27%;第2次落果现象是在7月初至7月中旬,落果率达到68.75%;第3次落果现象是在8月份,落果率为2.2%。 In order to understand the habit of growth and fruit drop of Hickory, the species of ’Mahan’ was selected as the object of study to systematically observe its flowering and fruiting phenological period and its regular pattern. The results showed that the shoots of short-walnut branches were generally mixed buds, full of buds, tightly packed scales and nearly round shape. After fruiting, the fruiting branches and the compound leaves grew. The basal lateral buds formed male inflorescences and formed female flowers near the top sequence. ’Mahan’ flower buds began to germinate in mid-to-late March. At the end of March, the top buds and the male flower buds were blooming. The top buds were sprouted and the male flower buds were male inflorescences. Leaves begin to show in early April, and basically reach the maximum leaf area after 20 days. Results The branch, the compound leaf, the leaf length and the leaf width growth showed “S” curve growth, which fitted highly with Logistic growth model. Correlation analysis showed that there was a significant positive correlation between the growth of branches, compound leaves, leaf length and leaf width and effective accumulated temperature. The first drop of ’Mahan’ occurred from mid June to the end of June, accounting for 16.27% of the total number of fruit drop; the second drop fruit drop was from early July to mid July, with a fruit drop rate of 68.75%; the third The fruit drop is in August, with a fruit drop rate of 2.2%.
目的:建立人肿瘤细胞NKG2D配体基因(MICA、MICB、ULBP1、ULBP2、ULBP3)表达的实时荧光定量PCR(real-timefluorescence quantitative PCR)检测方法。方法:根据NCBI基因库中NKG
从2010年7月12日至31日,在香港大学参加了由香港中又大学港美中心组织、Luce基金会赞助、美国美术史教授Anna Brzyski和Alfreda Murck主持的“西方美术史高级研讨班”。从周