Particle-in-Cell Simulation Study on the Floating Potential of Spacecraft in the Low Earth Orbit

来源 :Plasma Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangjuekenan
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In order to further understand the characteristics of the floating potential of low earth orbit spacecraft,the effects of the electron current collection area,background electron temperature,photocurrent emission,spacecraft wake,and the shape of spacecraft on spacecraft floating potential were studied here by particle-in-cell simulation in the low earth orbit.The simulation results show that the electron current collection area and background electron temperature impact on the floating potential by changing the electron current collection of spacecraft.By increasing the electron current collection area or background electron temperature,the spacecraft will float at a lower electric potential with respect to the surrounding plasma.However,the spacecraft wake affects the floating potential by increasing the ion current collected by spacecraft.The emission of the photocurrent from the spacecraft surface,which compensates for the electrons collected from background plasma,causes the floating potential to increase.The shape of the spacecraft is also an important factor influencing the floating potential. In order to further understand the characteristics of the floating potential of low earth orbit spacecraft, the effects of the electron current collection area, background electron temperature, photocurrent emission, spacecraft wake, and the shape of spacecraft on spacecraft floating potential were studied here by particle -in-cell simulation in the low earth orbit. The simulation results show that the electron current collection area and background electron temperature impact on the floating potential by changing the electron current collection of spacecraft. By increasing the electron current collection area or background electron temperature the spacecraft will float at a lower electric potential with respect to the surrounding plasma.However, the spacecraft wake affects the floating potential by increasing the ion current collected by spacecraft. emission of the photocurrent from the spacecraft surface, which compensates for the electrons collected from background plasma, causes the floati ng potential to increase.The shape of the spacecraft is also an important factor influencing the floating potential.
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