
来源 :中国高等教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:neverneverland
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多年的工作实践使我们深刻认识到,切实加强党支部建设,对于加强党对学校的领导,坚持社会主义办学方向,保证教学、科研等各项工作任务的完成,培养又红又专的合格人才,具有十分重要的意义。一年多来,根据全国高校党建会议和中央关于加强高等学校党的建设的有关精神,我们进一步把党支部建设作为学校党建工作的重点来抓,取得了初步成效。一、选好党支部书记,配好支部班子选好党支部书记,是加强党支部建设的关键。前些年,在淡化、削弱党的领导等错误思想的影响下,少数党支部中曾出现过支部书记“轮流坐庄”的现象;还有一些有高级专业职称的党员,往往把党务工作推给年轻的党员同志,尽管不少青年党员有做好工作的愿望,但由于入党时间短,缺乏锻炼,常常力不从心,加上他们在年龄、职称、资历、威望等方面跟教研室主任悬殊较大,因而影响了党支部战斗堡垒作用的发挥。针对这些情况,从1987年起,我们就对党支部书记的 Years of work practice have enabled us to profoundly understand that earnestly strengthening the construction of party branches is of great significance to strengthening the party’s leadership over schools, adhering to the direction of running schools for socialism, ensuring the completion of various tasks such as teaching and scientific research, and cultivating qualified and qualified professionals , Has very important meanings. In the past year or so, according to the Party’s Conference on Building National Colleges and the Central Government’s related spirit on strengthening the party building in higher education institutions, we have made further progress in establishing the party branch as the party’s school’s party building work and achieved initial success. First, the selection of party branch secretary, with a branch team selected party branch secretary, is the key to strengthening the party branch construction. A few years ago, under the influence of such erroneous thinking as weakening and weakening the leadership of the party, some minority party branches had appeared as party branch secretaries. Some party members with senior professional titles often used party work Although young party members and young people have the desire to do their jobs well, they are often unable to work hard due to their short time of joining the party and the large disparity they have with the director of the department in terms of age, professional title, seniority and prestige , Thus affecting the party branch fighting fortress play. In response to these circumstances, since 1987, we have on the party branch secretary
目的:探讨血小板参数、C-反应蛋白(C-reactive protein,CRP)、乳酸脱氢酶(lactate dehydrogenase,LDH)联合影像学表现在难治性支原体肺炎(refractory mycoplasma pneumonia,R