
来源 :人民司法 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:freebird_china
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信用证纠纷案件不同于其他涉外商事案件,特殊之处在于到目前为止,世界上绝大多数国家均没有关于信用证的专门立法,对有关信用证纠纷案件的处理,除了适用国际惯例以外,相关的法律原则散见于各国国内的民商事成文法中,或者由判例法调整。我国同样没有关于信用证的专门成文法规定。2005年11月14日公布的《最高人民法院关于审理信用证纠纷案件若干问题的规定》,规范和统一了人民法院对信用证纠纷案件的审理。但该司法解释主要规定了适用范围和相关法律适用、信用证的独立性和单证审查标准、关于信用证欺诈的构成以及止付信用证项下款项的条件和程序、信用证项 The difference between the letters of credit dispute cases and other foreign-related commercial cases is that, so far, most countries in the world do not have any special legislation on letters of credit. The handling of disputes over letters of credit, in addition to the application of international conventions, The legal principles are scattered in domestic civil and commercial statutes of all countries or adjusted by case law. There is also no specific statutory law on letters of credit in our country. The Provisions of the Supreme People’s Court on Several Issues Concerning the Trial of Disputes over L / C Issues promulgated on November 14, 2005 standardized and unified the people’s court’s handling of disputes over letters of credit. However, the judicial interpretation of the main provisions of the scope and application of relevant laws, the independence of letters of credit and document review standards on the composition of the credit fraud and credit under the conditions and procedures, letters of credit items
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