Microfossil assemblage characteristics in Core B10 and implication for paleoenvironmental evolution

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lwy
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Microfossil assemblage and pollen zone char-acteristics in Core B_(10) recorded the history of environmentalchanges in the southern Yellow Sea since W(?)rm Subintergla-ciation. Environmental variations reflected by these glacialand interglacial sediments coincide with general characteris-tics of paleoenvironmental and sedimentary changes in theYellow Sea. In the section of 550-520 cm, microfossil fo-raminifera have low abundance and diversity, and pollensare composed mainly of those of herbaceous vegetation, in-dicating climate change during W(?)rm Subinterglaciation. Inthe section of 520-140 cm, the changes from a few micro-fossils to no microfossils reflect the sedimentary environmentvariation from coastal to terrestrial facies. Paleoclimate re-flected by pollen also underwent the changes from coni-fer-broadleaf mixed forest to grassland, indicating the cli-mate changes from temperate and cool type to warm and dryone. In the section of 140-0 cm, the general microfossilcharacteristics are the gradual increase in abundance withmost species being neritic species, the major pollen beingligneous pollen and the rapid increase in small Hystrichos-phaera content, which indicates that the air temperatureincreased and the sea level gradually rose. Microfossil assemblage and pollen zone char-acteristics in Core B_ (10) recorded the history of environmental change in the southern Yellow Sea since W (?) Rm Subintergla-ciation. Environmental conditions reflected by these glacialand interglacial sediments coincide with general characteris tics of paleoenvironmental and sedimentary changes in the Yellow Sea. In the section of 550-520 cm, microfossil fo-raminifera have low abundance and diversity, and pollensare composed mainly of those of herbaceous vegetation, in-dicating climate change during W (?) rm Subinterglaciation. Inthe section of 520-140 cm, the changes from a few micro-fossils to no microfossils reflect the sedimentary environment variance from coastal to terrestrial facies. Paleoclimate re-flected by pollen also underwent the changes from coni-fer-broadleaf mixed forest to grassland, indicating the cli-mate changes from temperate and cool type to warm and dryone. In the section of 140-0 cm, the general microfossil characteristics are the gradual increase in abundance withmost species being neritic species, the major pollen beingligneous pollen and the rapid increase in small Hystrichos-phaera content, which indicates that the air temperature increased and the sea level gradually rose rose.
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