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2005年10月8日,十六届五中全会在北京胜利召开。十六届五中全会讨论通过了《十一五发展规划》,并提出在“十一五”发展规划期间,大力提倡“自主创新”、“拥有自主知识产权”。会议开幕的当天,《光明日报》就及时地在头版刊登了由《光明日报》荣获首届“范长江奖”的高级记者樊云芳经过半年多采访撰写的“自主创新”典型的报道:《邹远东与他创立的“酶法多肽”》,在全国引起良好反响。之后,《光明日报》又分别在10月24日7版头条、10月25日11版头条连续刊登反映邹远东“自主创新”的报道:《从企业老总到科学家——邹远东如何创立“酶法多肽”》、《从科学家到科普作家——邹远东:专利首先属于中国》。《光明日报》的报道是我国媒体宣传“十一五”“自主创新”的首个典型,中央各大报刊及网络媒体纷纷转载了《光明日报》的连续报道。由于本刊是最早并最多报道邹远东及其创立的“酶法多肽”的经济类期刊,因此,许多读者纷纷来电、来函索要《光明日报》对邹远东及其“酶法多肽”的报道文章。经征得邹远东同志的同意,现将《光明日报》对邹远东及其“酶法多肽”连续报道的三篇文章发表如下: On October 8, 2005, the Fifth Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee was held in Beijing. During the Fifth Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee, the Eleventh Five-Year Development Plan was discussed and adopted. It was also proposed that “independent innovation” and “owning intellectual property rights” should be advocated during the 11th Five-Year Development Plan. On the opening day of the conference, Guangming Daily published the first edition of the “Independent Innovation” typical report written by more than half a year interview with Fan Yunfang, a senior reporter who won the first “Fan Changjiang Prize” by “Guangming Daily” on the front page: “Zou Yuan Dong And he founded the ”enzyme peptide“, aroused good response in the country. After that, the ”Guangming Daily“ published reports on ”Independent Innovation“ of Zou Yuandong successively in the headlines of 7 editions on October 24 and 11 editions on October 25 respectively: ”From CEOs to Scientists - How to Establish Zou Yuandong“ Law polypeptide ”“, ”From scientist to science writer - Zou Yuandong: patent first belongs to China.“ The report of ”Guangming Daily“ is the first typical example of China’s media campaign of ”independent innovation“ in the ”Eleventh Five-Year Plan“ period. The major newspapers and online media in the central government all republished the continuous report of Guangming Daily. Since this magazine was the first and most frequently reported economic journal of Zou Yuan Dong and its ”Enzymatic Peptide“, many readers have called and asked for the articles of Guangming Daily on Zou Yuandong and its ”enzymatic polypeptide“ . With the approval of Comrade Zou Yuan Dong, we now publish the following three consecutive articles published by Guangming Daily against Zou Yuandong and his ”enzymatic polypeptide":