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1997年10月31日,中国国家主席江泽民出现在美国纽约华尔街一座古典建筑的圆柱门廊前,引来行人驻足观望。作为访美行程的重要一站,他在纽约证券交易所董事长格拉索陪同下,参观这个全世界最大的股票交易中心,并亲手按下开市铃。 On October 31, 1997, Chinese President Jiang Zemin appeared in front of a cylindrical porch on a classical building on Wall Street in New York, attracting pedestrians to wait and see. As an important stop for his visit to the United States, accompanied by Grazo, the chairman of the New York Stock Exchange, he visited the world’s largest stock exchange and pressed the open bell.
Using data from the 2015 China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study,this paper analyzes how the health of parents is causally linked to the gender of their
This paper constructs a two-stage sequential game model to shed light on the spillover effect of inward FDI on the efficiency of domestic firms in host countrie
This paper examines the relationship between dialect diversity and foreign direct investment (FDI) using a dataset of 230 Chinese cities for the period 2000-201
自从1984年12月新中国第一支股票发行以来,股票就在大陆落地生根,迅速繁衍。随着国民经济的持续高速发展和国民投资观念的逐渐转变,近年来我国的股市 Since the issuance o
This study uses data covering 3,914farm households,collected from Henan province in China,to investigate the links between the price of agricultural mechanizati