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近年来,市政协委员和市民对出租汽车行业发展中出现的问题,给予了极大关注。今年3月,在北京市政协十届三次全会上,有30位委员提出涉及出租汽车行业的提案34件。北京市政协城建环保委员会与民革北京市委、民盟北京市委、民建北京市委、民进北京市委、农工党北京市委、致公党北京市委、九三学社北京市委、台盟北京市委组成专题调研组展开了深入细致的调查研究。调研期间,北京市市长王岐山、副市长刘志华、秘书长刘晓晨等领导及北京市交通委员会、国资委等局委办的有关负责同志来到北京市政协,听取政协委员的意见和建议。的有关负责同志。会上,委员们对出租车司机的工时、劳动强度、收入水平等问题进行了分析;提出了整顿出租车市场、控制出租车总量的意见、介绍了武汉市出租车分段计价、考虑市民承受能力等情况。目前,调研组向政协北京市第十届委员会常务委员会提交了《关于促进北京市出租汽车行业健康发展的调研报告》。在审议通过此项建议案的市政协常委会上,副市长吉林同志就开展出租车更新工作,规范出租汽车企业经营行为,维护驾驶员合法权益;全面启动素质工程建设;建设出租汽车智能调度系统;加大打击非法运营,以及明确出租汽车定位、控制出租汽车总量规模、完善出租汽车经营模式、实施特许经营、建立出租汽车经营市场风险承担机制等问题做了重要讲话。 In recent years, members of the CPPCC and citizens have given great attention to the problems that have arisen in the development of the taxi industry. In March this year, at the Third Plenary Session of the Tenth CPPCC in Beijing, 30 members put forward 34 proposals concerning the taxi industry. Beijing CPPCC Urban Construction and Environmental Protection Committee and the Revolutionary Peoples Committee of Beijing Municipal Party Committee, Democratic League of Beijing Municipal Party Committee, Democratic Progressive Party Beijing Municipal Committee, People’s Democratic Progressive Beijing Municipal Party Committee, Peasants Party Beijing Municipal Committee, Zhigong Party Beijing Municipal Committee, Jiu San Society Beijing Municipal Party Committee, Launched in-depth and detailed investigation. During the investigation, leaders such as Beijing Mayor Wang Qishan, Vice Mayor Liu Zhihua, Secretary General Liu Xiaochen and other responsible comrades from Beijing Municipal Committee of Transportation, SASAC and other commissions came to CPPCC Beijing to listen to the opinions and suggestions of CPPCC members. The responsible comrades. At the meeting, members of taxi drivers on the working hours, labor intensity, income levels and other issues were analyzed; put forward the rectification of the taxi market, the total control of the views of the taxi, Wuhan introduced the sub-paragraph taxi pricing, taking into account the public Affordability and so on. At present, the research team submitted a “Research Report on Promoting the Healthy Development of Taxi Industry in Beijing” to the Standing Committee of the Tenth Committee of the CPPCC Beijing Committee. At the Standing Committee of the CPPCC that examined and approved the proposal, Vice Mayor Jilin carried out the taxi renewal work, standardized the operation of taxi companies and maintained the legitimate rights and interests of drivers; started the construction of quality projects in an all-round way; and built the intelligent scheduling of taxis System; intensified efforts to crack down on illegal operations, clarified the positioning of taxis, controlled the total size of taxis, improved the operation mode of taxis, implemented the franchising and established the risk-bearing mechanism of taxi operation market, and made other important speeches.
This paper presents a novel design method of force rebalance control for the sense mode of micromachined vibratory gyroscopes.Specific theoretical deductions ar
福建安溪县长和茶业有限公司,地处素有“茶海明珠”之称的福建安溪大坪凤形山,拥有优质的绿色生态茶园87公顷,是一家集研发、生产、销售为一体的茶业工贸有限公司。 Anxi Co