中宣部宣教局,就加强和改进思想政治工作做出新的部署。 他们提出:2000年总的任务,是要按照中央17号文件精神,加强对基层思想政治工作的指导,努力使基层思想政治工作明显加强。宣教局将参与组织对中央17号文件精神贯彻情况的调研,参与筹备全国思想政治工作会
The Propaganda Department of the Central Propaganda Department made new plans for strengthening and improving ideological and political work. They proposed that the overall task for the year 2000 should be to steer the guidance of grass-roots ideological and political work in accordance with the spirit of the document No. 17 of the Central Government and strive to make the ideological and political work at the grass-roots level significantly strengthened. The Education Bureau will participate in the organization of the Central Government on the 17th document to carry out the spirit of investigation and study, participate in the preparation of the National Association of ideological and political work