The protective effect of subhypothermiaon brain of patient with ischemic cerebrovascular disease on

来源 :中国临床康复 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhuluzy
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The subhypothermia treatment presents the advantages of decreasing energy metabolism and consumption of lactic acid,reducing release of active amino acid and alleviating inflammatory brain injury by cerebrovascular disease protecting blood-cerebral barrie
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0 引言剖宫产是解决分娩困难的行之有效的方法,但由于手术创伤及麻醉药物副作用的影响,使术后肠蠕动受到影响,产妇不能进食,进而影响到身体康复和乳汁分泌,不能满足新生儿哺
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