The Effects of Retinal Ischemia on Retinal Nerve Fiber Layers of Patients with Retinal Vein Occlusio

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Purpose: To demonstrate the effects of retinal ischemia on retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) and the associated visual dysfunctions.Methods :52 subjects with retinal vein occlusin (RVO) were studied both in RVO eyes and in the contra-lateral eyes via red-free light fundus photography. The semi-quantitative analysis of RNFL defects was done,and the severity of RNFL defects of the ischemic and the non-ischemic groups were compared.Results: The RNFL defects occurred in 75.5% of the total 53 eyes with RVO. The incidences of RNFL defects were significantly higher in eyes with cotton-wool spots and capillary non-perfusion than in other RVO eyes and controls. The RNFL defects were significantly severer in ischemic eyes than in non-ischemic ones. Conclusion : Retinal ischemia can result in RNFL defects, and the severity of RNFL defects was closely related to that of ischemia. Eye Science 1997; 13 :21 - 24 . Purpose: To demonstrate the effects of retinal ischemia on retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) and the associated visual dysfunctions. Methods: 52 subjects with retinal vein occlusin (RVO) were studied both in RVO eyes and in the contra-lateral eyes via red- The semi-quantitative analysis of RNFL defects was done, and the severity of RNFL defects of the ischemic and the non-ischemic groups were compared. Results: The RNFL defects occurred in 75.5% of the total 53 eyes with RVO The incidences of RNFL defects were significantly higher in eyes with cotton-wool spots and capillary non-perfusion than in other RVO eyes and controls. The RNFL defects were significantly severer in ischemic eyes than in non-ischemic ones. result in RNFL defects, and the severity of RNFL defects was closely related to that of ischemia. Eye Science 1997; 13: 21-24.
如果诗歌像舞蹈,那么散文更像走路,它牵着读者的手,将读者带入某个境界。它区别于小说、戏剧、诗歌,其独特之处在于能灵活自由地表达作者在生活中的感悟,心之所至,笔之所至。  我们在散文世界中能感受到鲁迅的雄浑沉郁,冰心的灵秀温婉,朱自清的朴实无华,丰子恺的厚重平实,如此等等,不一而足。这些始于心又伴随着节奏韵律的文字呈现在世人面前,怎能不让人心有所动?可是散发着理性或感性光辉的优美文字却被如今的学生定
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