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党的十一届三中全会以来,纠正了过去“左”的错误,执行了多种经济形式并存的正确方针,广东省的个体工商业得到了迅速的恢复和发展。1983年统计,已达436,824户、556,306人。其中城镇165,849户、213,428人,户数和人数均占38%;农村270,975户、342,828人,均占62%。 Since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, it has corrected the mistakes of the past and implemented the correct guidelines for the coexistence of multiple economic forms. Guangdong’s individual industry and commerce have rapidly recovered and developed. Statistics in 1983 have reached 436,824 households and 556,306 people. Among them, 165,849 households and 213,428 people lived in towns, with 38% of the households and the number of households; 270,975 rural households and 342,828 rural residents, all accounting for 62%.
超人归来,竟被指祖籍“塞尔维亚”; 怀孕母牛受惊闯闹市,农场主被迫赔款“两万五”;土狼逛商店只看不买,吓坏店内顾客;美自然博物馆大搞昆虫展,开价收购活体蟑螂……精彩好笑
The underwater Manhattan depicted1 in the animated movie2 Shark Tale3 with its skyscrapers4 and trendy5 restaurants, may exist only on the silver screen.tBut th
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Splashing,wading,and paddling——it must mean a great day in the water.Playing at the beach,at a water park,by a lake,or in a pool can be a real treat on a hot