Effect of null aether field on weak deflection angle of black holes

来源 :中国物理C(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hymzID
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We study light rays in the static and spherically symmetric gravitational field of the null aether theory(NAT).To this end,we employ the Gauss-Bonnet theorem to compute the deflection angle formed by a NAT black hole in the weak limit approximation.Using the optical metrics of the NAT black hole,we first obtain the Gaussian curvature and then calculate the leading terms of the deflection angle.Our calculations indicate how gravitational lensing is affected by the NAT field.We also illustrate that the bending of light stems from global and topological ef-fects.
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By adopting the adiabatic assumption in the cooling process,we discuss a novel mechanism of Υ(1S) sup-pression that occurs due to the fast heating process at t
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