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为了突破传统小学语文教学中填鸭式的教学模式上的弊端,将课堂上的主导者扩展到学生,让学生也能充分参与到课堂上来,学校及教师应积极在小学语文课堂上实行互动式教学模式。教师可以通过互动式教学,拉近与学生之间的距离,促进课堂与学生的信息交互与分享,给学生享有课堂上的主动权,刺激学生上课踊跃发言,从而充分的将教学与反馈结合在一起,使课堂效果大幅度提升。所以,在小学语文教学中实施互动式教学是切实可行的。 In order to break through the shortcomings of the spoon-fed teaching mode in the traditional Chinese teaching of primary schools, the leader in the classroom should be extended to students so that students can fully participate in the classroom. Schools and teachers should actively implement interactive teaching in the primary Chinese classroom mode. Through interactive teaching, teachers can shorten the distance between students and promote the interaction and sharing of information between classrooms and students, giving students the initiative in the classroom and stimulating students to give speeches in class so as to fully integrate teaching and feedback Together, make the classroom effect greatly improved. Therefore, it is practicable to implement interactive teaching in Chinese teaching in primary schools.
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由中国系统工程学会主办的英文期刊《Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering》(《系统科学与系统工程学报》) (季刊)已经国家科委和中国科协正式批准,将于第
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