In Liu Baochang’s long historical novel “King Wu of Chu”, the writer not only devoted much effort to the textual research, but also focused on the infiltration of Xiong Tong in the historical context into Xiong Tong’s novels. Historical context gave birth to Xiong Tong’s personal decision-making Significant influence. This allows writers in the process of writing, the formation of two important narrative features: On the one hand, major historical facts, upholding the “history of the novel is the first history,” the concept of realism as the basic approach to restore Not opportunistic; on the other hand, in the place outside the historical data, we must imagine and fictitiously describe the true features of history by saying that there must be code, detail, Blank part. The special concept of time formed in “King Chu of Chu”, as Bakhtin thinks, had finally reached a different point in time after it had undergone many obstacles to the individual establishment of the writer. Choosing secular time, biographical time and idyllic time to fill the gap in legends is Liu Bao-chang’s meticulous creation in his novels. This novel is full of romantic uninhibited imagination, filled with rich poetic glory.