Informative ISSR Markers Help Identify Genetically Distinct Accessions of Oryza rufipogon in Yield I

来源 :Rice Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:airleon29
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Inter simple sequence repeat(ISSR) polymorphism was used to determine genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships in 90 genotypes of wild and cultivated species of Oryza from different geographical regions of the world. In all the 17 primers used in ISSR-PCR, a total of 11 464 bands were amplified at 253 band positions/loci. The primer UBC-809 amplified the maximum bands(1 059) at 21 band positions. UBC-810 and UBC-835 amplified the minimum of 391 bands each at 7 and 14 band positions, respectively. The mean polymorphism information content ranged from 0.44 to 0.84 and resolving power ranged from 8.69 to 23.53. Un-weighted pair group method with arithmetic mean dendrogram and population structure based on the 17 primers separated all genotypes into 4 major clusters with a genetic similarity of 53%–100%. The first two clusters consisted of 30 O. rufipogon accessions each. In the third cluster, O. nivara and O. longistaminata grouped as one sub-cluster and all other O. nivara accessions and cultivars grouped as another sub-cluster. The fourth cluster had only five O. rufipogon accessions which can be a source of new genes. Four sub-populations were identified within O. rufipogon and two sub-populations within O. nivara at K = 7. A subset of six primers with high resolving power values were the most informative and grouped all genotypes almost similarly as the 17 primers did. Use of these six highly informative primers in ISSR-PCR is a cost effective and robust method for assessing genetic diversity in large germplasm collections of wild rice species. In all the 17 primers used in ISSR-PCR, a total of 11 The UBC-810 and UBC-835 amplified the minimum of 391 bands each at 7 and 14 band positions, respectively. The mean polymorphism information content ranged from 0.44 to 0.84 and resolving power ranged from 8.69 to 23.53. Un-weighted pair group method with arithmetic mean dendrogram and population structure based on the 17 primers separated all genotypes into 4 major clusters with a genetic similarity of 53% -100%. The first two clusters consisted of 30 O. rufipogon accessions each. In the third cluster, O. nivara and O. longistaminata grouped as one sub-cluster and all other O. nivara accents The fourth cluster had only five O. rufipogon accessions which can be a source of new genes. Four sub-populations were identified within O. rufipogon and two sub-populations within O. nivara at K = 7. A subset of six primers with high resolving power values ​​were the most informative and grouped all genotypes almost similarly as the 17 primers did. Use of these six highly informative primers in ISSR-PCR is a cost effective and robust method for assessing genetic diversity in large germplasm collections of wild rice species.
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