
来源 :河北医药 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:killeverrui
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我科于1984年秋季腹泻流行时,应用外敷散(安国制药厂提供,主要成份为吴茱萸,公丁香等)治疗门诊及住院患儿135例,总有效率为96.3%,现将临床治疗情况初步报告如下。一、临床资料:本组135例,其中儿科门诊57例,中西结合门诊31例,住院患儿47例。年龄:1岁以内113例,1岁以上22例。治疗前腹泻次数:每日4~9次者102例,10次以上33例。住院患儿多为重症,病前5~7天有上感史,大便性状多呈黄绿色稀水便,部份为蛋花汤样,镜检均无异常,10例便细菌培养阴性,伴呕吐者19例,脱水20例,发热39例,多数患儿有不同的合并症或并发症如气管炎、肺炎、营养不良、佝偻病、贫血等。 I Division in the fall of 1984 epidemic of diarrhea, the application of external application powder (Anguo Pharmaceutical Factory, the main component of Evodia, clove, etc.) outpatient and inpatient treatment of 135 cases, the total effective rate was 96.3%, now the initial clinical treatment The report is as follows. First, the clinical data: This group of 135 cases, of which 57 cases of pediatric outpatient, combined Chinese and Western clinic 31 cases, 47 cases of hospitalized children. Age: 113 cases within 1 year old, 22 cases over the age of 1. The number of diarrhea before treatment: daily 4 to 9 times in 102 cases, 10 times more than 33 cases. Most of the hospitalized children with severe disease, 5 to 7 days before the disease have a sense of history, stool more yellowish green water stool, part of the egg-like soup, no abnormal microscopic examination, 10 cases of bacterial culture negative, with 19 cases of vomiting, dehydration in 20 cases, 39 cases of fever, most children have different complications or complications such as bronchitis, pneumonia, malnutrition, rickets, anemia.
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