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小面积工业用地地块首次集聚公开出让10月21日是浙江省永康市经济开发区S14-12地块分成19宗地集聚公开出让后的第三个工作日。截至当天,已有13家企业负责人造访永康市国土大楼,想为下一次工业用地公开出让提前上报申请需求。对于永康这个小微企业遍地开花的“五金之部”而言,用寸土寸金来形容工业用地资源毫不为过。毋庸讳言,以前大面积地块的国有建设用地使用权公开出让面对的是纳税大户、规上企业和亩产税收较高的大企业,满足小微企业需求的并不多见。而创新土地供地政策、积极探索完善差别化的土地供应制度,已成为近几年永康国土资源部门重点思考的一个改革 Small-scale industrial land parcel for the first time a public gathering of public transfer October 21 is Yongkang Economic Development Zone, Zhejiang Province, S14-12 land is divided into 19 cases of land to gather the public transfer of the third working day. As of the same day, 13 business leaders have visited Yongkang Land Building and wanted to report the application needs in advance for the next public sale of industrial land. For Yongkang this small and micro enterprises blossom everywhere “Hardware Department ”, with the inch of land to describe the resources of industrial land is not excessive. Needless to say, it is not uncommon to meet the demand of small and micro-enterprises in the past when large-scale plots of land-use rights for the state-owned construction land were sold to large taxpayers in large scale. Innovative land for land supply policy, and actively explore and improve the differentiated land supply system, has become Yongkang land and resources sector in recent years, a focus on the reform of a reform
新疆鲁迅研究学会主办的“纪念鲁迅先生诞辰12 0周年学术研讨会”于 2 0 0 1年 8月 2 0日至 2 2日在新疆师范大学学术交流中心召开。来自区内外的三十余名学者参加了研讨。新
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1980年6月23日,新华社向全国发了一条消息:“著名科学家、中国科学院新疆分院副院长彭加木在新疆罗布泊的考察中失踪,已经第7天没有音讯了。” 简短的消息犹如一声惊雷,迅速
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