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对于互联网,大家并不陌生。而“互联网+”的提出却引起了社会的广泛关注和探讨,特别是在今年两会上,李克强总理在政府工作报告中提出,“制定‘互联网+’行动计划,推动移动互联网、云计算、大数据、物联网等与现代制造业结合,促进电子商务、工业互联网和互联网金融健康发展,引导互联网企业拓展国际市场。”“互联网+”的提法是一个前所未有的高度,而“把一批新兴产业培育成主导产业”出现在总理政府工作报告中也是第一次。6月2日,自治区也出台了《关于加快推进“互联网+”工作的指导意见》,为我们勾勒出“互联网+”将对百姓生活影响的蓝图。意见明确了总体目标,即到2020年“互联网 For the Internet, everyone is no stranger to it. However, the proposal of ”Internet +“ has aroused widespread concern and discussion in the community. In particular, Premier Li Keqiang put forward in his report on the work of the government during the two sessions this year, ”formulating the“ Internet + ”plan of action to promote the development of the mobile Internet, cloud Computing, big data, internet of things and other modern manufacturing industries to promote the healthy development of e-commerce, industrial internet and internet finance, and to guide Internet companies to expand their international markets. “” Internet + “is an unprecedented height, For the first time, ”cultivating a batch of emerging industries into leading industries“ appeared in the work report of the prime minister’s government. On June 2, the autonomous region also promulgated the ”Guiding Opinion on Speeding up the Work of the Internet + “ and outlined the blueprint for the impact of ”Internet +“ on people’s life. Opinions clear the overall goal, that by 2020 ”Internet
腾龙小区住着28户人家。小区很小,设施老旧,但这里的公共服务设施一应俱全,生活非常方便。多数人家在南部新区已经拥有了住宅,却不愿意搬过去。  住在这个小区的人家都是本分人家。这样和谐的环境,哪个愿意轻易放弃呢?  许明亮住在二单元,顶楼。没有电梯,许明亮上上下下显得很轻松。  大伙儿说,小许啊,看你这精神劲,什么时候喝你的喜酒?许明亮三十多了,没谈女朋友,他不急,大伙儿还急哩。  许明亮乐呵呵地回
英国南部海滨疗养院浴场国的沙子变得越晶莹透亮,闪闪发光,这使浴场主大惑不解。 The sands in the southern bathhouses in the southern United Kingdom became crystali
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她和他是一起考上大学的。他们俩成了这个美丽小镇走出去的仅有的大学生。  四年时间,他们俩一起在大学校园里度过。她喜欢浪漫,而他喜欢读书,她就默默地陪在他的身边。毕业时,她依然回到那个美丽的小镇,在那个青山绿水的小镇上当上了一名老师,而他却以优异的成绩被学校保了研。  他成了这个美丽小镇最有出息的人。为了让他能安心读书,她和他约定,每过一段时间,她就去学校里看他一次,她会将他们家乡他最爱吃的东西带给
Current and temperature data from a one-year-long instrument deployment in the region just northeast of Cape Halteras have shown the oceanic variability to be
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