The Detection of Defects in Optical Fibers Using a Hybrid Opto-electronic Correlator

来源 :Chinese Journal of Lasers | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kk527319
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A hybrid opto-electronic correlator for detecting defects i n optical fibers is proposed. After the light from a He-Ne laser being expanded and filtered it is not collimated but directly passes a Fourier transform lens and illuminates a reference fiber and a test fiber at the same input plane. The Fourier transform spectrum of the two fibers is therefore obtained at the rear focal plane of the lens, where it is sampled via a CCD array connected with a computer through a frame grabber. The computer performs filter, inverse Fourier transform and setting threshold operation on classification. The system is an equivalent of joint transform correlator with a Fourier lens of long focal length. The experiment results for optical fibers having incoordinate defects are presented. The results indicate that the system can be used for fiber defect detection, and has the advantages of high identification, compact configuration, easy adjustment and flexible manipulation. A hybrid opto-electronic correlator for detecting defects in optical fibers is proposed. After the light from a He-Ne laser being expanded and filtered it is not collimated but directly through a Fourier transform lens and illuminates a reference fiber and a test fiber at the same input plane. The Fourier transform spectrum of the two fibers is therefore obtained at the rear focal plane of the lens, where it is sampled via a CCD array connected with a computer through a frame grabber. The computer performs filter, inverse Fourier transform and setting threshold operation on classification. The system is an equivalent of joint transform correlator with a Fourier lens of long focal length. The experiment results for optical fibers having incoordinate defects are presented. The results that that system can be used for fiber defect detection, and has the advantages of high identification, compact configuration, easy adjustment and flexible manipulation.
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