Detection of class 1 integron in Acinetobacter baumannii isolates collected from nine hospitals in T

来源 :亚太热带生物医学杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fspdgx
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Objective: To investigate the antibiotic resistance genes inserted into class 1 and class 2 integrons in Acinetobacter baumannii (A. baumannii) isolates obtained from nine different cities in Turkey.
Methods: A collection of 281 A. baumannii clinical isolates were collected from nine diferent state hospitals in Turkey and were confirmed as A. baumannii by conventional biochemical, API testing and bla-OXA-51 specific PCR. The isolates were examined by PCR for existence of class 1 and 2 integron gene cassettes.
Results: They were characterized by antimicrobial susceptibility testing and the highest resistance rates were determined for piperacillin (90.03%), ciprofloxacin (87.54%), cefepime and trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (81.13%). The lowest resistance rates was for cefotaxime (3.55%). class I integrons were detected in 6.4%(18/281) of A. baumannii strains and no class 2 integron was detected. The gene cassettes of class 1 integrons AacC1-AAC(3)I-aadA1, AacC1-aadA1, AAC(3)-I, AAC(3)-I-AAC(3)-I-aadA1, TEM-1, AAC(3)-I-aadA1-AAC(3)-I-AAC(3)-I, AAC(3)-I-AAC(3)-I-AAC(3)-I-aadA1, AAC(3)-I-aadA1, AAC(3)-I-AAC(3)-I, AAC(3)-I-aadA1- AAC(3)-I-aadA1, AAC(3)-I- AAC(3)-I-aadA1-AAC(3)-I-aadA1 were detected in eighteen strains. The aac genes family were most frequently found integrated into the class 1 integrons and it was followed by aadA genes and TEM-1 genes.
Conclusions: This is an extensive study on the distribution of class 1 integron among A. baumannii in Turkey. In addition to these, two new alleles were observed. Their percentage rates of similarity to other cassettes are 95%aadA1 ( TKA18) and 89%aadA1 (ANKA3).
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