
来源 :黄金时代 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guyage
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许多年过去了,我从来没有这样安静过。我累了,我需要休息。在这个静谧的故乡秋夜,我仿佛回到了天真烂漫的少年时代。我多年都没有听收音机的习惯了,此刻我打开一台小如巴掌的半导体收音机,心情散淡地聆听那遥远而苍凉的声音。那是一个音乐台,正播放邓丽君的《但愿人长久》。窗外的月亮爬过树梢,上来了,透过窗棂斜斜地泻在我的书桌和床头。我突然觉得王菲的歌和眼下的景有某种程度的吻合。是呀,“但愿人长久,千里共婵娟”。我的慧子此 Many years have passed, I have never been so quiet. I am tired, I need to rest. Autumn in this quiet hometown, I seem to be back to innocent boyhood. I have not been accustomed to listening to the radio for many years, and now I turn on a small, like-minded semiconductor radio, feeling disillusioned to hear the distant and desolate voice. That is a music station, is playing Teresa Teng’s “longing for people.” The moon outside the window climbed through the treetops, came up, and slipped diagonally through the window to my desk and bedside. I suddenly felt Faye Wong’s song and now the scene has some degree of agreement. Yeah, “I hope people for a long time, thousands of miles together Chan Juan ”. My huizi this
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