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茶树生长季节即将结束,茶园将要进入秋冬田间管理阶段.秋耕是秋冬田间管理的重要环节,对翌年春茶的优质高产有重要的作用.在秋耕季节到来之际,本刊记者就如何搞好茶园秋耕访问了中国农业科学院茶叶研究所栽培研究室吴洵副研究员.问:茶园为什么要进行秋耕?答:在生产季节,茶园土壤经采茶工及其他田间作业人员的多次踏压和雨水的冲击,到茶季结束时已相当坚实,有碍茶树根系的生长.秋耕可疏松土壤,改善土体的紧实状况,增大孔隙度,提高通气和透水性能,可增加土壤有效含水量.另外,土壤疏松之后,可加速土壤熟化,提高有效养分和微生物的繁衍.总之,秋耕可改善茶园土壤水、肥、气、热状况,为秋冬茶树根系的生长以及养分的吸收和积累提供良好的土壤生态环境,以利提高茶树越冬质量,为翌年茶芽早发、多发、快发奠定良好基础. Tea growing season is coming to an end, the tea garden is about to enter the autumn and winter field management stage. Autumn plowing is an important part of field management in autumn and winter, the next high quality and high yield spring tea has an important role in the fall season, the reporter on how to engage Good tea plantation autumn farming visited the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences Tea Research Institute Wu Mi associate researcher Q: Why tea plantation autumn farming? A: In the production season, the tea garden soil by tea workers and other field workers repeatedly riding Pressure and rain impact, to the end of the season has been quite solid tea, impede the growth of tea roots. Autumn tillage can loose soil, improve soil compaction, increase porosity, improve ventilation and water permeability, increase soil Effective water content.In addition, the loose soil, can accelerate soil maturation, improve the effective nutrients and microbial growth.In short, autumn tiller can improve soil water, fertilizer, gas and heat condition, for the growth of winter tea roots and nutrient absorption And to provide a good accumulation of soil ecological environment, in order to enhance the quality of tea winter, for the tea bud early next year, multiple, fast hair to lay a good foundation.