Determination of H~+ diffusion coefficient in the course of H~+ response of a W/WO_3 pH electrode

来源 :Rare Metals | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:scuthh
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A W/WO3 pH electrode was prepared by a method of sol-gel. In order to study the H+ response dynamic mecha- nism, the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) experiment was conducted. It was found that the H+ response course is controlled by the H+ diffusion from the solution to the WO3 film, based on the analysis of EIS spectra. The EIS and potential step method were used to determinate the H+ diffusion coefficient (D) in the course of H+ response of this W/WO3 electrode, and the values of D calculated by these two method correspond very well, which all are about 10?10 cm2/s. The imposed different potential steps make little effect on the calculation of H+ diffusion coefficient, and it was found that the limiting Cottrell equation of short elapsed time fits well to the current transient caused by a potential step, based on the analysis of the time constant. AW / WO3 pH electrode was prepared by a method of sol-gel. It order to study the H + response dynamic mecha- nism, the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) experiment was conducted. It was found that the H + response course is controlled by the H + diffusion from the solution to the WO3 film, based on the analysis of EIS spectra. The EIS and potential step method were used to determinate the H + diffusion coefficient (D) in the course of H + response of this W / WO3 electrode, and the The values ​​of D calculated by these two methods correspond very well, which all are about 10 ~ 10 cm2 / s. The imposed different potential steps make little effect on the calculation of H + diffusion coefficient, and it was found that the limiting Cottrell equation of short elapsed time fits well to the current transient caused by a potential step, based on the analysis of the time constant.
初中数学中有许多非零的情形较难把握,如分母非零,除式非零,零指数幂的底数非零,函数、方程及多项式的最高次项的系数非零等等.稍不留神,我们就会跌入“数0”的陷阱,为了防患于未然,本文列举数道因0致错的考题并加以剖析,以期引起同学们的注意和重视.  1 公式、法则中有关“0”的规定  1.1 分式的分母不为0
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