瑞雪飘飞,辞别旧岁。当时光的脚步迈进201 1年的时候,我们怀揣一份感动,把创刊30周年沉甸甸的收获捧给广大忠实的读者、作者,并借此向长期给予《中国医院管理》杂志关怀与指导的各级领导、专家和医院管理工作者致以崇高的敬意。过去的一年,是深化医药卫生体制改革承前启后、攻坚克难的关键之年。医改不再是一个简单的名词,它已经成为关乎国计民生的重要关键词。医药卫生体制改革是落实科学发展观的重要实践,是社会领域的一项深刻变革,是惠及1 3亿人口的重大民生工程。如此阐述,凸显出卫生改革与发展的重要性和紧迫性。我们欣喜地看到,在挑战面前,各地大胆探索、勇于实践,针对改革中出现的体制、机制问
Snow drifting, farewell old age. At that time, in 201 1, we moved with a heartfelt move to show our loyal readers and authors the thirtieth anniversary of the founding of the People’s Liberation Army. With this in mind, we would like to give long-term support to the long-term care and guidance of China Hospital Management Magazine Leaders, experts and hospital administrators pay high tribute. The past year is a crucial year for deepening the reform of the medical and health system so as to overcome difficulties and overcome difficulties. Medical reform is no longer a simple term, it has become an important key words related to national economy and the people’s livelihood. The medical and health system reform is an important practice in implementing the scientific concept of development, a profound change in the social field, and a major livelihood project benefiting 130 million people. This elaboration highlights the importance and urgency of health reform and development. We are delighted to see that in the face of challenges, we have boldly explored and dared to practice all around our country. In response to the system and mechanism that emerged in the reform,