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近年来。河北省武邑供电公司新进了一大批高学历的大学生充实到员工队伍中,为企业注入了新鲜的血液。在武邑供电公司191名团员青年中,都拥有大专及以上学历。他们曾经在拥有丰富多彩的课外大学生活中度过。随着对外开放的扩大和信息网络的高速发展,青年在更快更多地接触新事物新信息开阔眼界的同时,对传统的企业活动必然产生消极甚至抵触心理。因此,在日常活动中企业如何创新活动载体,运用青年人喜闻乐见的方式让青年积极参与其中已非常重要。开展青年岗位能手活动。武邑供电公司为了激励公司青年员工岗位成才,努力培养和造就一批青年岗位能手,发挥青年员工创建社会主义和谐社会的生力军作用。在公司开展了青年岗位能手活动。制订了《青年岗位能手管理办法》,定期开展青年技术比武和青年专业和综合素质竞赛活动,同时也为公司培养了一批专业技术人才。开展“文明员工”评选活动。为使公司广大团员青年做到八小时之内做优秀员工,八小时之外做优秀公民,在公司范 In recent years. Wuyi Power Company in Hebei Province introduced a large number of highly educated college students to enrich the workforce, injecting fresh blood into the enterprise. Among the 191 youth members of the Wuyi Power Supply Company, they all have a college degree or above. They used to spend their extracurricular college life. With the opening up to the outside world and the rapid development of information networks, young people will broaden their horizons while engaging in new information faster and more. At the same time, they will inevitably have negative or even contradictory psychology to traditional enterprise activities. Therefore, in the daily activities of enterprises how to innovate the carrier of activity, the use of young people loved way to actively participate in youth has been very important. To carry out youth positions expert activities. In order to encourage young employees to become successful, Wuyi Power Supply Co., Ltd. endeavored to cultivate and bring up a group of young post experts and give full play to the role of young staff in building a harmonious socialist society. In the company to carry out youth positions masters activities. We formulated the Measures for the Management of Young Post Professionals, carried out regular youth competitions in technology and youth professional and comprehensive quality competitions, and cultivated a batch of professional and technical personnel for the Company. To carry out “civilized staff ” selection activities. To enable the majority of young members of the company to do excellent staff within eight hours, eight hours to be outstanding citizens, the company Fan
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