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在巴基斯坦人质绑架事件中遇难的中国工程师王鹏遗体,才由巴基斯坦的专机运回,人们还没从悲痛中解脱出来,又传来了两名在南非首都布隆方丹工作的中国人于当地时间17日下午遭遇当地人抢劫,并被抢匪枪击后不幸遇难的消息。而在这之前,在伊拉克的7名中国人被莫名其妙当做人质被抓,多亏经国家有关部门出面做了大量工作被释放。同是巴基斯坦西部港口城市瓜达尔港发生的汽车炸弹爆炸事件中,有3名中国工程人员在爆炸事件中死亡,另9名中国人受伤。国家主席胡锦涛和国务院总理温家宝,高度重视这一事件,立即指示我国外交部和我驻巴基斯坦使领馆,采取一切措施,尽最大努力,协助巴方抢救伤员,妥善处理遇害身亡人员的善后事宜,并保证我在巴人员的人身安全。在美国,手持中华人民共和国护照的业务员赵燕被美国警务人员无辜殴打得遍体鳞伤,惹起公愤。律师将此案推进司法程序,并要求获赔500万美元。外交部长李肇星为此专门与美国国务卿鲍威尔通话,提出抗议。在西 The remains of Wang Peng, a Chinese engineer who was killed in the hostage-taking incident in Pakistan, were repatriated by Pakistani special plane and were not freed from grief. Two Chinese, who were working in Bloemfontein, the capital of South Africa, Time on the 17th afternoon encounter locals robbery, and was unfortunately killed by gunmen after the news of the shooting. Prior to this, the seven Chinese in Iraq were being baffled as hostages, thanks to the release of a large amount of work by the relevant state departments. In the same car bomb blast that occurred in Gwadar Harbor, a port city in the western part of Pakistan, three Chinese engineers died in the bombing and another 9 were wounded. President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao of the State Council attached great importance to this incident and immediately instructed our Foreign Ministry and my embassy and consulate in Pakistan to take all measures to do our utmost to assist Palestine in rescuing the injured and properly handling the aftermath of those killed and killed. And to ensure that I am Pakistani personal safety. In the United States, Zhao Yan, a clerk holding a passport of the People’s Republic of China, was innocent assaulted by U.S. police officers over and over again, causing public outrage. Lawyers to promote the judicial proceedings in the case, and requested compensation for losing 5 million US dollars. To this end Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing specifically addressed U.S. Secretary of State Powell and protested. In the west
爸爸这几天挺忙的,眼看中秋节到了,妈妈催他去买月饼,他嗯嗯地答着,却总不见买回来。 这天中午,爸爸回家时仍是两手空空。“对不起,忘了。”他解释说。我气呼呼地质问:“今
“什么是真好?”我在沉思中问。法庭说:“法规。”学校说:“知识。”智者说:“真理。”愚人说:“欢乐。”少女说:“爱情。”侍者说:“美丽。” “What’s so good?” I aske
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小明和同学们一起到剧场看话剧。当观众度上的灯光逐渐暗下来时,微弱的灯光照射着舞台上晃动的帷幕,小明和同学们看到了很有意思的景象: Xiao Ming and the students went
①After supperNick comes out witha book in his hand .It’ s very hot in the rooms and he can’ t stay in it. 1After supperNick comes out with a book in his han