
来源 :中国地方病防治杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:oskarguan
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<正> 建平县是辽宁省主要鼠疫疫源地之一,地处松辽平原达乌尔黄鼠鼠疫疫源地南部边缘地带,疫区面积1400km~2,人口13万人,涉及10个乡镇、96个行政村、392个自然屯,过去疫情严重,对人类危害较大,解放以来,鼠疫防治工作得到各级党和政府的关怀,始终坚持以灭鼠灭蚤为主的综合防制措施,根据不同时期采用不同方法和步骤,取得了显著成绩,到1993年已连续45年没发生人间疫情,42年没发生鼠间疫情,保护了人民健康,促进了经济发展。
<正>Chinese ancestors used human figures,beasts, birds, flowers, characters and natural phenomena in a symbolic and allusive manner in order to express their be
An outstanding enterprise must be an enterprise with cultural pursuit.Wuyutai has developed a unique corporate culture in its chain store operation.Wuyutai trea
<正>Thangka, a Tibetan expression of religious painting, had yet to get known to the rest of the world until two or three decades ago. However, its history can