面对WTO冲击 抓紧自身建设——吉林省刑事犯罪活动变化和刑侦工作机制建设

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吉林是我国的老工业基地,经济体制改革相对滞后,农业在国民经济中占有较大比重。我国加入WTO后,其冲击将大于机遇。受之影响,吉林的治安形势也将出现新的发展变化,特别是刑事犯罪活动会出现量和质的变化。发案总量直线上升,恶性程度日益增强加入WTO后,吉林省基础产业和支柱产业将受到严重冲击。在城市,大批生产成本高、技术含量低、管理不善的企业将被淘汰。在农村,农业产业结构面临大规模调整,国内玉米市场进一步出现萎缩,农民收入将有所下降。因此,城市下岗职工和农村剩余劳动力大量增多。贫富收入进一步拉大,目前社会保障机制不健全,加之不健康价值念观和生活方式的侵袭,人们心理承受能力更加脆弱,使高危群体日臻扩大。同时,由于社会管理和防控机制弱化,一些不法分子乘虚而入进行违法犯罪活动。上述多种原因交织在一起,必然导致在入世后的一个阶段内刑事案件持续高发,形成新的犯罪高峰期。 Jilin is an old industrial base in China. The reform of the economic system lags behind and agriculture plays a greater role in the national economy. After China’s accession to the WTO, the impact will be greater than the opportunities. Affected by this, there will also be new developments and changes in the law and order situation in Jilin, especially in criminal and criminal activities. The total number of cases went up and the viciousness increased. After joining the WTO, the basic industries and pillar industries in Jilin Province will be seriously affected. In cities, a large number of high-cost production, low technology, poor management of enterprises will be eliminated. In rural areas, the industrial structure of agriculture is undergoing a large-scale readjustment. The domestic corn market will further shrink and the income of peasants will decline. Therefore, a large number of urban laid-off workers and rural surplus labor force increased significantly. The income of the poor and the rich has further widened. At present, the social security mechanism is not perfect. In addition to the concept of unhealthy values ​​and the invasion of lifestyles, people are more vulnerable to psychological endurance and the high-risk groups are expanding. At the same time, due to the weakening of social management and prevention and control mechanisms, some unscrupulous elements took the lead in conducting illegal and criminal activities. The multiple causes above are intertwined, which inevitably lead to the continuous high incidence of criminal cases in one stage after the accession to the WTO, thus forming a new peak of crime.
In 1989 work began on merging finite and discrete elements. During 1990 algorithmic solutions for the new combined method were developed, together with a C-base
无论是行色匆匆的普通女工 ,还是身居要职的从政女性 ,只要是有职业的妇女 ,便无法逃避职业与家庭的双重负担 ,无法回避“社会人”与“家庭人”之间的双重角色冲突。以至于女