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当归麻口病是目前我省当归产区主要病害之一。据1986年岷县、渭源、宕昌、漳县10个乡49个社121块地的调查,田间发病率一般为84.8%,病指数为56.4%;严重的高达100%。当归麻口病主要发生在“成药期”。症状在病株地上部分不明显,主要表现在根部。根部变褐、变麻、裂口,其皮层呈现海绵糠腐状,严重地威胁我省当归的生产和销售。以往对其病 Angelica gingivalis is one of the main diseases in Angelica area in our province. According to a survey of 121 communities in 49 communities in 10 counties in Minxian County, Weiyuan County, Dangchang County and Zhangxian County in 1986, the incidence in the field was generally 84.8%, the disease index was 56.4% and the severity was as high as 100%. Angelica mouth disease mainly occurs in the “drug-induced period.” Symptoms in the diseased part of the ground is not obvious, mainly in the roots. Root brown, change Ma, split, the cortex showed sponge bran rot, a serious threat to our province Angelica production and sales. In the past the disease
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棉大卷叶螟Sylepta dergogata Fabr.是棉田中重要的食叶类害虫。幼虫食量大,为害严重时,棉叶全被吃光,仅留下茎枝残叶,不能开花结铃。正确地识别棉大卷叶螟幼虫龄期,对于提
Objective:To observe the effect of Bushen Tiaochong Recipe (补肾调冲方,BSTCR) on rats’ ovarian granulosa cell (GC) proliferation,steroidogenesis and follicle-s
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从北京、内蒙古、吉林、辽宁、山东等地采到的葡萄根癌病标本中,分离到根癌土壤杆菌[Agrobacterium fumefaciens(Smith & Town.)Conn]3种生化型菌株。它们对玫瑰香葡萄的致病
【摘要】注重声乐艺术的审美内涵的完美表现,最终可以掀起听众思维的碰撞、情感的波动,使听众的情感得到最充分、最大程度的放大、强化和释放,激发听众艺术审美的满足感和对社会生活的积极心态。  【关键词】声乐艺术 审美 原则 文化  【中图分类号】J616【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2012)11-0227-01  完美的声乐艺术展现在听众面前是饱含着不同的历史观与时代感、不同的社会