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为筹备纪念中华人民共和国成立十周年,中国音乐家协会和音乐研究所于1958年组织国内十余个单位的人员(主要是音乐院校教师),集体编写《中国近现代音乐史》。经过一年多的共同努力,编写完成了《中国近现代音乐史》(油印)送审稿(一至五编)。其后,由于历史原因,此史稿未能正式出版。但是这次编写活动,为许多音乐院校培养出一批中国近现代音乐史的教师;该编写组同时收集、整理的一套油印的《中国近现代音乐史》参考资料(共13种),更为中国近现代音乐史学科的建设做出了重要贡献。时隔半个世纪后,该编写组的成员多已故去。本刊约请该组秘书、现已年届八旬的孙幼兰女士撰写此稿,以便人们了解当年有关的历史情况。(向延生撰) In preparation for the 10th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the Chinese Musicians Association and the Institute of Music organized more than 10 domestic units (mainly music school teachers) in 1958 to collectively write the “History of Modern and Contemporary Chinese Music.” After more than a year of joint efforts, the preparation of the “History of Modern and Contemporary Chinese Music” (oil seal) draft for review (one to five series). Later, due to historical reasons, this history draft was not officially published. However, this compilation activity has produced a batch of teachers of many modern music schools in the history of modern and contemporary Chinese music. At the same time, the authoring team collected and collated a set of reference materials (13 kinds in total) of the “Modern Chinese Music History” It has made an important contribution to the construction of the discipline of modern Chinese music history. Half a century later, the writing team members have gone. The journal invites the secretary of the group and Ms. Sun Youlan, who is now 80 years old, to write this manuscript to help people understand the relevant historical situation of the year. (To Yan Seng essay)
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神话中寓含着一个民族的集体无意识 ,它是这个民族对自己过去的一种奇特的总结 ,也是这个民族对自己未来的一种奇特的预言。中华民族繁衍的中心地带 (“东土”)的文化向西部
“入世”是振兴中华和走向世界的新的良好机遇 ,也是适应经济全球化的趋势、分享经济全球化利益的重大举措。无论在国内 ,还是在国际上 ,都会产生深远的影响。它对我国第一产