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春耕生产已经开始,这是保证实现全年农业增产任务的一个决定关键。各级领导机关,必须根据国务院所发布的关于春耕生产的决议,把工作中心及时转移到春耕生产方面来,领导广大农民羣众展开热烈的春耕生产运动。一、要保证春耕播种面积的全部完成,特别是要用大力保证棉花、油料、高产作物等播种面积的全部完成,这是完成全部农业生产计划的先决条件。历年经验证明,要确保播种面积按计划完成,必须抓紧以下三个环节:第一、迅速下达任务,使任务早和羣众见面,并组织羣众讨论和帮助羣众制订好自己的生产计划和具体措施,通过这一工作,把国家的要求变成羣众的计划和行动;同时便于及时发现问题,调整分配任务,避免任务分配不切合实际的现象。目前任务尚末下达与羣众见面、或虽下达而未组织羣众讨论者,必须立即下达任务,组织羣众讨论,并根据羣众意见,调整任务,充实计划。 Spring plowing has started and this is the key to making sure that the full-year agricultural production increase is achieved. The leading organs at all levels must, in accordance with the resolutions issued by the State Council on the production of spring plowing, shift the center of work timely to the production of spring plowing and lead the broad masses of peasants in the vigorous spring grass production campaign. First, we must ensure that the plowing area is completely completed. In particular, we must vigorously ensure the complete sown area of ​​cotton, oilseeds and high-yield crops, which is the prerequisite for completing the plan of agricultural production. Years of experience have shown that to ensure that the sown area is completed as planned, we must pay close attention to the following three aspects: First, to promptly release the tasks so that the tasks can meet with the masses as early as possible and organize the masses to discuss and help the masses to formulate their own production plans and Through this work, concrete measures will turn the requirements of the country into the plans and actions of the masses; at the same time, it will facilitate the timely detection of problems, the adjustment of distribution tasks and the unrealistic assignment of tasks. At present, the task has yet to be reached to meet with the masses, or the mass discussion has not been organized despite the fact that it has been issued. Tasks must be issued immediately to organize the masses to discuss them and to adjust their tasks and plans according to the masses’ opinions.
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