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据尚轻时代消息,前不久,国际铝协宣布开通“未来之铝--铝回收再生”中文网站(http://recycling.worldalum inium.org/cn)。国际铝协秘书长Ron Knapp先生表示,他期待中国铝企业、铝的用户、研发机构、政府部门、媒体及消费者能通过网站,了解铝回收与再生的优势及案例,了解铝材料为资源、环境和社会可持续发展的贡献,展现铝工业为此所做出的努力和成就。同时,能通过使用这个平台工具,更加有效的促进铝的回收再利用。这是国际铝协主导的全球铝业可持续发展项目的重要组成部分,是国际铝协“铝 According to the news of light times, not long ago, the International Aluminum Association announced the opening of the Chinese website ”Aluminum in the future" (http://recycling.worldalum inium.org/). Mr. Ron Knapp, Secretary General of IAEA, said he looks forward to the Chinese aluminum enterprises, aluminum users, R & D institutions, government departments, media and consumers who can understand the advantages and cases of aluminum recycling and recycling through the website and understand the importance of aluminum materials as resources, Environmental and social contribution to the sustainable development of aluminum industry to show their efforts and achievements. At the same time, through the use of this platform tool, it is more effective to promote the recycling of aluminum. This is an important component of the Global Aluminum Sustainable Development Program led by the International Aluminum Association and is the result of the International Aluminum Association
纯真的友谊,总是最令人动容。在一个叫枫林口的山村里,有三个孩子——王树魁、金小尊和柳芽子,他们是形影不离的好朋友,他们乐此不疲地玩着简单的游戏。村前有一条废弃的公路。一天,这里来了一群城里的孩子,他们到这条公路上练习轮滑。三个孩子被轮滑这种游戏深深吸引了。于是,他们决定攒钱自己买一块滑板……他们怎么攒钱?能买到滑板吗?他们会一直一起玩滑板吗?答案在曹文轩的故事《六十六道弯》中。  马老师又说了一通
娜娜姐姐:  你好!转眼间,一年一度的寒假就要来临了,我既充满了期待,又有些烦恼。春节可以拿压岁钱吃大餐当然让人高兴,但春节假期爸爸妈妈总要忙里忙外,走亲访友。我有时跟着感觉